Press Release: U.S. Hemp Industry Launches Campaign to Support Healthcare Workers and Community Organizations on Frontline of the Coronavirus Crisis



Inspired by the federal government’s ‘Hemp for Victory’ campaign during World War II, ‘Hemp for Our Future’ is a national network of hemp farmers, businesses and organizations coordinating the production and donation of hemp-based products and materials for nursing organizations, food banks, and other organizations helping people impacted by COVID-19

DENVER — A coalition of U.S. hemp businesses and organizations announced Tuesday the launch of Hemp for Our Future, a social responsibility campaign to support healthcare workers and community organizations on the frontline of the coronavirus crisis.

Hemp for Our Future has established a network of hemp farmers, businesses, and nonprofits, through which it is coordinating the production and donation of hemp-based materials, products, and foods to nursing organizations, food banks, and other organizations in their regions that are helping people impacted by COVID-19. The campaign was inspired by “Hemp for Victory,” a film produced by the federal government during World War II that encouraged American farmers to grow as much hemp as possible to support the war effort. 
Leaders and supporters of Hemp for Our Future explain the new campaign and its inspiration in a video online.
“This is an exceptionally challenging time for our country, and everyone is looking for ways to do their part to help out,” said Hemp for Our Future co-founder Shawn Hauser, who is a partner and chair of the hemp and cannabinoid practice at Vicente Sederberg LLP. “This nascent industry is only in its first year of USDA regulation, but it is well-positioned to quickly start making an impact. The power of hemp is incredible, and the power of an active and well-organized community is unlimited.” 
Hemp for Our Future is asking participants to produce products, donate biomass, provide logistics services, contribute financially, and recruit additional participants from throughout their supply chains. In particular, it is seeking donations of personal protective equipment, sterilization products and equipment, cleaning supplies, food and supplements, and lotions and salves.
“One in seven people in Kentucky were struggling with hunger before the COVID-19 pandemic hit, and now that number is even bigger,” said Chad Rosen, CEO of Kentucky-based Victory Hemp Foods, which contributed hundreds of pounds of hemp hearts to local food banks. “As a superfood ingredient manufacturer, we are trying to do what we can with what we have to help the greatest number of people. We decided to start by donating hundreds of pounds of nutrient-dense hemp hearts to food banks in the communities where we live. We are also encouraging others to take similar action, because even small acts can have a big impact.”
Some of the initial contributions coordinated through the network include:

  • Several hundred pounds of hemp hearts from Victory Hemp Foods to food banks and nutrition programs in four Kentucky counties;
  • More than 1,000 units of hand sanitizers, lip balms, salves, and other topicals from Curaleaf, Fusion CBD, Nanocraft CBD (facilitated by CBD Takeout), and other companies to professional nursing organizations in Massachusetts and New York; and
  • More than 200 items of hemp clothing from Colorado Hemp Company to Colorado Coalition for the Homeless.

“Our company is proud to participate in the Hemp for our Future campaign and assist in helping local community organizations in need of donations, such as food and clothing,” said Morris Beegle, founder of Colorado Hemp Company. “It’s great to see so many companies and individuals from the hemp and cannabis space stepping up to help those in need.”
Hemp for Our Future was co-founded by Vicente Sederberg LLP, Agricultural Hemp Solutions, and Friends of Hemp. It is supported by a growing number of organizations and businesses, including (in alphabetical order):

  • Agricultural Hemp Solutions
  • Cannabis Doing Good
  • CBD Takeout
  • Colorado Hemp Company
  • Colorado Hemp Industries Association
  • Curaleaf
  • Friends of Hemp
  • Fusion CBD
  • Hemp History Week
  • Hemp Industries Association
  • Hemp Road Trip
  • Nanocraft CBD
  • National Cannabis Industry Association
  • National Hemp Association
  • OP Innovates
  • Oregon Industrial Hemp Farmers Association
  • Oregon State University Global Hemp Innovation Center
  • Texas Hemp Educational Organization
  • U.S. Hemp Building Association
  • U.S. Hemp Growers Conferences & Expo
  • Vicente Sederberg LLP
  • Victory Hemp Foods
  • Virginia Industrial Hemp Coalition
  • Vote Hemp
“Hemp for Our Future is currently focused on helping health care workers and others on the frontline of the COVID-19 crisis, but the network we have created will be able to continue doing good well into the future,” said Hemp for Our Future co-founder Courtney Moran of Agricultural Hemp Solutions. “It is a meaningful way in which we can unite and strengthen this new industry, while also illuminating the utility and sustainability of this amazing crop. Now that commercial hemp production is federally legal in the U.S., we can put it to use to meet our country’s industrial material needs, while also regenerating our soils and rural economies.”

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