Prohibition Partners Publish: “Germany – CBD & Cannabis Consumer Report”

They write ……..Germany is set to become one of the largest single markets for cannabis and CBD anywhere in the world. Despite the fact that millions of Germans are using CBD and cannabis, relatively little is currently known about these consumers. In this report we highlight the topics which are most pressing for patients and consumers and should be of significant value to anyone wishing to meet the growing demand for these products in the country.

The report also aims to examine legislation surrounding over-the-counter and prescription drug formats in Germany, mapping the routes to patients and consumers.

Germany: Cannabis and CBD Consumer Report, produced by Prohibition Partners, is part of our consumer series where we conduct in-depth quantitative consumer research to provide a deeper understanding of consumer usage, purchase and attitudes in the cannabis, CBD and infused consumer goods markets. We surveyed over 26,000 adults aged 16+, with participants selected based on set quotas of gender and age to ensure that survey samples are proportionally representative of the respective populations.


  • While the users of CBD and cannabis for medicinal purposes are distinct populations, they both have large populations of elder consumers whereas recreational cannabis is dominated by those under the age of 40.
  • The patients and users of CBD, and cannabis for medical and recreational purposes form clearly distinct groups in demographics, geographics and consumptions habits. Over 75% of consumers make purchases in just one of these three categories rather than a combination.
  • While slightly more men than women purchase cannabis and CBD in Germany, analysis of frequent users show that CBD consumption is heavily dominated by self-declaring females, with men making up 62% and 56% of cannabis for recreational and medical purposes respectively.

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