Quelle Surprise …. There’s Actually A French Politician Who Wants To Regulate Cannabis…C’est Un Miracle!

Newsweed (UK) reports

Olivier Faure, first secretary of the Socialist Party, now strongly advocates for’an experiment in the legalization of cannabis in France.

While France is facing an increase in drug-related crime, especially in cities like Marseille, many are wondering if legalizing drug trafficking is a serious problem cannabis could be a viable solution to address this growing problem, which is being allowed by the prohibition of drugs in general and cannabis in particular.

A failed system

S’expressing on RMC and BMFTV, Olivier Faure expressed his frustration with the’ current approach to the fight against drug trafficking in France. According to him, the country is facing an increasingly serious crisis, France is still large the user of illegal drugs the traffic’ extending to small and medium-sized cities.

In Marseille, for example, families are forced to flee drug traffickers, while hitmen, often recruited in prisons, are increasingly young. Faure insisted that « a whole system is in place and that’it must break it ».

Despite its very strict anti-drug policy, France is paradoxically L’one of the largest cannabis users in Europe. Olivier Faure pointed out this contradiction, suggesting that current laws fail to reduce neither consumption nor traffic. Indeed, the use of drugs would be lower in countries where cannabis has been legalized. For Faure, this calls into question the’efficiency of the’ approach prohibitionist for decades.

A need for’ experimentation

Olivier Faure believes that the legalization of cannabis this could help to reduce crime, especially in the most affected cities such as Marseille. He called for a period of’testing in some departments and cities to see if this policy shift can dismantle what is called’ « the drug economy that operates in many neighborhoods.

“I am not an expert in the field”, admitted Olivier Faure, “but we must mobilize on this issue”. While recognizing the complexity of’a partial legalization which remains possible but complicated as we have already explained, Olivier Faure said that’we had to do something to fight against the feeling of’ generalized insecurity that’ engenders the drug trafficking.

Mr Faure’s central argument is that the legalization of cannabis could help dismantle complex networks of drug trafficking which dominate some neighborhoods. By legalizing and regulating the sale of cannabis, the illegal market would be disrupted, which would weaken the financial power of traffickers and reduce

Source:  https://www.newsweed.fr/olivier-faure-favorable-a-la-legalisation-du-cannabis-et-a-son-experimentation-dans-certains-departements-et-certaines-villes/?utm_medium=email&_hsmi=97030817&utm_content=97030817&utm_source=hs_email

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