RED ALERT in Two States! Concerning Trend in Others

US Hemp Roundtable – highlights the following issues this week


In Virginia and Washington State, an unholy alliance of cannabis prohibitionists and marijuana monopolists has emerged in ways that would destroy the non-intoxicating, full-spectrum hemp extract industry and potentially CBD isolates as well:


In Virginia, HB 2294 would criminalize hemp extract products that contain more than 2 mg of THC per package, eliminating the non-intoxicating full and broad spectrum hemp product industry. The bill is on a fast track and passed the state House this week.

Also in Virginia, SB 903 and HB 1973, which we featured earlier this year, would impose rigorous, adult-only restrictions on hemp products that contain any level of THC, thereby consigning all hemp and CBD products to back-of-the-store, locked-container restrictions. These kinds of restrictions would work severe economic burdens on hemp manufacturers and farmers. While we had hoped these bills would be improved by amendments, they, too, are on a fast track, with SB 903 having already passed the Senate and on its way to the House and HB 1973 having already received its second reading and potentially moving on to the Senate soon.

Help Oppose SB 903, HB 1973 and HB 2294


In Washington, HB 1612 is the companion to SB 5367, which we featured last month. The bills would prohibit consumable hemp products that contain more than 1 mg THC per serving or more than 3 mg of THC per package, wreaking havoc on full and broad-spectrum hemp products and devasting the CBD marketplace. The bill basically rejects the critical, deliberative consensus reached by Washington’s inter-industry Hemp in Food Task Force Report.

Help Oppose HB 1612 and SB 5367

Concerning Trends

In three other states, we’re seeing a movement to unduly age-restrict non-intoxicating hemp products. Tennessee HB 403 and SB 0378 are companion bills that would limit hemp-derived products to persons 21 or older. Under Utah HB 227, a product that contains one or more naturally occurring cannabinoids could not be sold to someone under 21. And in Wyoming, HB 0108 would prohibit the sale of a edible or vape product that contains any amount of THC, including hemp products, to persons under 21.

We expect the Tennessee Growers Association to soon help introduce legislation that is much more favorable to the industry. But until then, we need to mobilize against the disturbing trend of age limits for non-intoxicating hemp products and cut these restrictive efforts off at the knees. We encourage Hemp Supporters in Tennessee, Utah, and Wyoming to use our State Action Center to urge legislators to oppose age restrictions for non-intoxicating hemp products.

State Action Center

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