Regulators In Australia Are Going To Look At Why Medical Cannabis Prescriptions Are At Such A High Level

I’ve only been saying this ad nauseum for the last 18 months!

That Prohibition Partners report was unintentionally  the best dose of salts that the “industry” in Australia could have had.

Essentially most of these medical cannabis companies are just drug dealers with a license at the moment.

Just be honest about why peopke are using cannabis and lets not get all overly protestant about pleasure.

Medical cannabis for those who really need it and recreational , we prefer to call it adult use cannabis for everybody else.

And yes people can use bog standard THC cannabis for aches and pains, a sore tummy without having to pay huge referral fees to doctors earning some extra cash on the side

We applaud the regulators and the medical associations but we also need them to see that there’s two sides to the coin.

The other side being sensible adult use legislation, with , by the way, a well priced product structure that doesn’t lead to consumers being taxed out of existence.

We’ve seen the mistakes in the US and Canada and watched them learn how to rectify things and also, closer to home , the state(s) and federal govt should have already learnt their lesson about over pricing from the example of tobacco wher they’ve gone too far and created a huge black market that will now take them decades to dismantle

Please, we beg you, I know it’s difficult but a modicum of common sense goes a long way

Cannabiz report

Read more

Industry in the spotlight as regulators unite to explore rise in prescriptions

Also read their report

The high-THC debate: ‘This is a medical market. It shouldn’t be consumer driven’

All this week’s stories relate to the fact that the australian “medical” sector if you want to call it that has been importing high THC white labelled cannabis .

I have no problem with that but let’;s just call it what it is and retail it accordingly with the coreect legisaltion in place and then we could do what all normal people in real cannabis have wanted for decades.

A  well produced local agricultural product that would in under 5 years, with the right investment, become a world beater.

Australia is fantastic at producing superb agricultural product for export world wide .

High THC organically grown ….”Nimbin’s Best”….. should be sitting next to the best usa product in NY, LA, Denver, Portland, Seattle, Vancouver etc etc.

Dream big Australia , rid yourself of the tall poppy syndrom and grow the tall cannabis solution.

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