Sardinia, hemp law approved

Canapa Industriale..

The law for the development of hemp in Sardinia was unanimously approved to focus on the cultivation of this vegetable and face the challenges of the future for the sectors of agriculture and the sustainable economy in general and the youth sector in particular, passing through the cultivation of uncultivated fields and for the recovery of polluted ones.

The text brings together two bills : the n.226 presented by the Sardinian Action Party (first signatory Piero Maieli) and the n.228 presented by the Movimento 5 Stelle (first signatory Alessandro Solinas) and the aim is to promote the supply chain agro-industrial and agri -food industry of hemp sativa with specific reference to its cultivation and transformation in the regional territory.

Particular value will also be given to the strategic role of hemp in the reclamation of polluted land , in contrasting hydrogeological instability, in green building and bioenergy. In fact, in Sardinia , a project to study the properties of hemp in this sector had also been carried out at the regional level.

Hemp in Sardinia, the reactions of the Regional Council to the approval of the law

Pietro Maieli  underlined the importance of supporting and promoting “the cultivation and transformation of legal hemp in the Sardinian territory and its marketing within the agro-industrial chain”, but also of the ” strategic role in land reclamation, in contrasting the instability hydrogeological, phytoremediation of polluted sites, green building and bioenergy “.

Alessandro Solinas , who also underlined the economic aspects of this constantly expanding agricultural sector: “There are many young people involved who in some cases are converting family businesses  – said the M5s exponent in the House -. It is an activity that also allows for the expansion of agricultural activity to uncultivated land “.

Michele Cossa  recalled that “cannabis is an important industrial product that lends itself to many uses, all eco-sustainable, and that enhances the resources of our island: the earth and the climate”.

Hemp and seizures: a regional table asked

Massimo Zedda underlined the importance, on the issue of civil rights, of the requests that reach the Government from local administrations. For this reason, the former mayor of Cagliari asked that the text “be sent to all the other regional councils, which have not yet adopted a text of law on the subject, so that the Regions can solicit a discussion in Rome” .

Finally, the councilor Daniele Cocco (Leu) proposed to “set up a technical table that brings together regional and national legislators and that gives the opportunity to our young people to be able to cultivate legal hemp without running the risk of running into legal problems”.

The reference is to the recent directive of the public prosecutor’s office of the court of Cagliari on investigations in the world of legal cannabis cultivation has put into turmoil a reality with considerable prospects and in which many young Sardinians were investing, on which Maieli himself had expressed himself as follows: “Any impediments to the cultivation, transformation of hemp and its subsequent marketing, which could somehow slow down the development of a quality supply chain, would have the consequence of discouraging young farmers, and not only, to start their own business”.

Hemp in Sardinia: obligation to report sowing

“It’s an excellent goal”, underlines to Piero Manzanares , president of the Sardinia Cannabis association, “It is a law that differs from 242 (the national law on hemp, ed.), Because for example here in Sardinia there will be an obligation to report sowing. It will be used to control the crops that will be there, also to facilitate the controls of the police. There will be a database where everyone will communicate the cultivation of hemp which can be differentiated by seed, fiber or flower, because there has also been talk of inflorescences, and the police will be automatically informed. And therefore, as is already the case with milk production, there will be controls. A technical table will also be set up to find solutions and possibly create production regulations. The important thing is that the theme is addressed, something that had not happened to date. Until today there were prosecutors, such as that of Cagliari.

Sardegna, approvata la legge sulla canapa: “ruolo strategico per agricoltura ed economia”

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