Session on Conceptual Draft Rules about the Social Equity in Cannabis Program – March 23 at 1:00 p.m.

The Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board (LCB) is hosting a Listen and Learn session about conceptual draft rules on the Social Equity in Cannabis Program. The session is designed to get public and licensee feedback on rule concepts before the agency moves toward a rule proposal.

In late October 2021, while awaiting recommendations from the Social Equity in Cannabis Task Force (Task Force), the LCB began to consider amendments to existing rule and new rules that would both support and establish the Social Equity in Cannabis program. The CR 101, or Statement of Inquiry, was filed as WSR 21-22-042 on October 27, 2021.

The Task Force released recommendations on January 6, 2022, and the agency began to draft rules based on those recommendations. The conceptual draft rules can be viewed here.

Please review this guidance document and the session agenda before the forum and come prepared to offer feedback and suggestions for revisions to the draft.

  • WHEN: Thursday, March 23, 2022, from 1:00 p.m. until 4:00 p.m.
  •  WHERE: Join on your computer or smart phone using Microsoft (MS) Teams.

Click here to join the meeting

If you have the MS Teams app on your device, select “Open Microsoft Teams” when prompted.

If you do not have the MS Teams app, click on “Continue on this browser” when prompted.

Please note: MS Teams does not have a pre-registration option. Please add the Listen and Learn Forum to your calendar and join using this link at the start time indicated above. The event may end earlier than scheduled depending on the amount of feedback offered by attendees during the forum.

To listen to the meeting on the phone (audio only):  

Dial: +564-999-2000

Phone Conference ID: 581 369 178#

Please note the phone option is intended only for listening to the forum. In order to participate and contribute to the forum, please join online via MS Teams.

If you wish to join us virtually, we’d like to offer the following reminders:

  • Online participation will be structured to allow one speaker at a time through a hand-raising feature on MS Teams.
  • If you have difficulty with audio or visual elements of MS Teams, please be patient.
  • You can also provide feedback to us at the email below if you prefer.

Questions? Contact the rules team at [email protected].

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