The Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic has submitted a bill that would remove cannabidiol (CBD) from the list of narcotic and psychotropic substances. This would make the sale and advertising of products containing CBD legal also in Slovakia, which has had so far a zero-tolerance policy for the cannabis plant. The law should come into effect in March 2021.

Although CBD is a component of cannabis, according to medical studies, it is neither addictive nor harmful. On the contrary. In developed European countries, CBD is referred to as a substance with positive effects (including pain management, help with anxiety, or as an aid for neurodegenerative diseases) and is essentially freely available.

In the case of approval of the amendment to the law, it would be legal to trade and advertise various creams, cosmetic products, or nutritional supplements containing CBD in Slovakia.

However, the fact that the CBD will be removed from the list of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances does not necessarily mean that there will be no rules for the sale and advertising of these products. On the contrary, the sale and advertising of CBD products will be subject to general legislation, including consumer protection regulations or the Advertising Act.

As far as advertising is concerned, all statements about the miraculous effects of CBD, or linking CBD products to marijuana consumption have to be avoided. This is because very strict rules, including criminal liability, continue to apply to the possession, consumption, and sale of marijuana.

Given the context, advertising for CBD products in Slovakia should be more responsible than any other.


‘Source: Hinterland co.’

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