Sol Global Now In The Business Of Putting Lead In Their Hemp / CBD Products Beware of The Brand TRUWOMEN

Sol Global has ownership in the company HeavenlyRX and negotiates a lot of their contracts and one of their brands TRUWOMEN has put out a number of products, bars & proten powder that has been found to contain lead according to tests undertaken by The Environmental Research Center in San Diego. We have pictured these products for you so you know what to avoid . There are currently two lawsuits in play.


 Brady Cobb the CEO of Sol Global, who is also an attorney, consistently claims he is an expert in Cannabis / Hemp regulation on his twitter account.

Looks like this regulation that relates to lead poisoning was over looked.

HeavenlyRx is currently defending two lawsuits for non payment of services and product. 



Also See

Alleged Violators. The names of the companies covered by this notice that violated Proposition 65 (hereinafter the “Violators”) are:

  • TRU Brands, Inc., individually and dba TRUWOMEN
    Truwomen, Inc., individually and dba TRUWOMEN
    Heavenly Rx, Ltd., individually and dba TRUWOMEN
    Heavenly Rx, LLC, individually and dba TRUWOMEN
    Heavenly Rx Ltd Corp, individually and dba TRUWOMEN
    SOL Global Investments Corp., individually and dba Heavenly Rx, Ltd., Heavenly Rx, LLC, Heavenly Rx Ltd Corp and TRUWOMEN

Notice of Violations of California Health & Safety Code §25249.5 et seq. August 23, 2019
Page 2

Consumer Products and Listed Chemical. The products that are the subject of this notice and the chemical in those products identified as exceeding allowable levels are:

  1. TruWomen Red Velvet Ready Plant Fueled Protein Bar – Lead

  1. TruWomen Zamn Good Zesty Lemon Yea It’s A Protein Bar – Lead

  1. Tru Women Va-Va-Voom Vanilla Plant Fueled Protein Powder – Lead

  1. Tru Women You’re Mocha Me Cocoa Plant Fueled Protein Powder – Lead

  1. Tru Women Oh Oh Cookie Dough Plant Fueled Protein Bar – Lead

On February 27, 1987, the State of California officially listed lead as a chemical known to cause developmental toxicity, and male and female reproductive toxicity. On October 1, 1992, the State of California officially listed lead and lead compounds as chemicals known to cause cancer.

Full Report


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