Summit USA: Everything you always wanted to know about psilocybin, but were afraid to ask!

As regular readers will know psilocybin has been decriminalised in Denver & Oakland with other cities discussing a similar policy approach. Meanwhile John Hopkins is diving into research with the help of some healthy donations.

Here at CLR we believe it’s an important area to watch. Once upon a time this was the sum total of the cannabis sector  and look how things have changed in the past decade.


Everything you always wanted to know about psilocybin, but were afraid to ask!


Explore the myth, magic, and science of psilocybin in our four day online summit. This conference is virtual and world wide. That means you can watch and participate from anywhere in the world.  

You can watch live, and we also have  an option that will let you watch the videos at your own leisure, and have access to them whenever you like.

Register for the Summit Now!

This four day online conference, we will explore the many fascinating facets of psilocybin mushrooms. We will discover methods for creating ceremony and holding a safe space. We’ll look at the work of top researchers in the field. We’ll explore history, learning about traditional and indigenous use. We’ll learn about efforts to change policy around the world so that all of us can have access to this safe, life affirming medicine.

Far from being a societal danger or a health issue, psilocybin has been shown to be one of the safest substances that people can take either recreationally or therapeutically. This summit will show how experts engage intelligently with protocols designed to elicit profound transformation.

Our experts invite you into a mind expanding adventure into the realms of psychedelic awareness

Participants will learn about:

→ Best practices, safe use, and managing worst case scenarios
→ Policy, reclassification for medical use, and decriminalization efforts
→ Leading edge research on psilocybin and depression
→ Cultivation
→ Facilitating powerful experiences
→ Creating ceremony
→ Traditional culture, ritual, and practice of the Mazatec 

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