Cannabis Industrie nl reports..(Google Translate)
During the last week, the president of Suriname Santokhi installed the working group “Implementation Industrial Hemp Cultivation”.
The smallest country in South America also wants to benefit from the worldwide rise of hemp and CBD. Workgroup Implementation Industrial Hemp Cultivation Suriname will be given 3 months
President Santokhi emphasizes that in recent years the development of industrial hemp has seen tremendous development worldwide: “It is the basis of a multi-billion dollar industry in various industrialized parts of the world, including the United States and Europe. This multi-billion industry is also possible in our country, given the large space we have, as well as the fertile soil and the climatic conditions. ”
” Santokhi does not yet want to further legalization or production of cannabis: “This is necessary to guarantee our international reputation and authority, but also to be able to continue to protect national public health.”
However, there is already an “Industrial Hemp Cultivation Act” ready in the National Assembly, about which the president said: “In our view, this draft law does not yet sufficiently meet the requirements to provide for this effective institutional and legal and regulatory framework. It is therefore up to your working group to thoroughly revise this draft law so that it can meet the requirements.
Furthermore, it has been found that a number of consents regarding cannabis cultivation may have been issued, while these are not based on any legal basis. It is therefore the task of the working group to analyze these permissions and to advise me, as your President, in this regard. ”
The working group will have three months to finalize and implement the institutional and legal and regulatory framework.