Swedish Lawyer Instigating “Juicy Fields” Class Action Assaulted At Estrel Hotel The Host of ICBC 2023, Files Report With Berlin Police

In a post today the juicy field litigation blog writes…..

As you may have heard, Lars Olofsson was assaulted (or “Facecaked”) as he sat in the lobby of the Estrel Hotel during the first day of the ICBC conference speaking to a journalist. Alex Rogers and team had previously refunded his tickets and refused him entry to the actual conference itself. We also know this was premeditated and planned as the scammers had a faked video of the same up as soon as it happened, distributed on social media.

Here is the video as posted by the juicy fields litigation blog to their own site




The post at the Juicy Fields litigation site also alleges the following…..

Just as the Juicy Fields DAO branded Lamborghini showed up outside the conference this year at approximately 11:30 on the first day of the B2B conference, one of the people associated with the still ongoing scam, came up from behind and smashed a cake into Lars’ face. We had a little help from bystanders, who also picked up the assailant’s phone that he dropped as he ran away. That is now with the police. The police also asked the Juicy Fields DAO car driver to leave the premises. We have pictures of the license plates of the car itself, which is also with the Berlin police.

After Lars went inside to wash himself off, another gentleman, with a thick German accent, approached Daniel Johansson, the lead plaintiff in our cases, standing outside the hotel by himself and threatened him directly. Namely, he cornered Daniel and told him to take down the information on the Juicy Fields litigation website because “one of my friends is on it.” He disappeared as soon as Lars came back.

Several hours later, after being watched and followed at the conference, Daniel was attacked from behind and hit by a single assailant as he walked back to his hotel. He has a black eye and was very lucky that it wasn’t worse. This is now the third direct assault on members of the team. “Anders” the Russian whistleblower working with us, also reported that thugs showed up at his house after we posted the blog about the evolution and stages of the scam. Anders was able to disarm them and call the police. However, this is why we know that the Berlin incidents are not “casual” or “coincidental.”

Both assaults have been filed with the Berlin police. The hotel has CCTV camera footage of the incident at the hotel, and we may be able to find footage of Daniel’s attack.

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