Talking Joints Memo Article: The Massachusetts Cannabis Control Commission is considering changes to improve laboratory integrity and prevent fraud. But stakeholders say the agency is missing the big picture.

Must read article if you follow Massachusetts my favourite petri dish of a state where you can discover on a daily basis how not to run a cannabis regulatory organisation..


Thankyou to TJM

There has been a lot of noise about laboratory impropriety in Massachusetts cannabis over the past couple of months.

The cacophony includes a listening session held by the Cannabis Control Commission last month, in which members heard testimonies from Independent Testing Labs (ITLs) and other segments of the industry impacted by problems facing this license class. Addressing the agency directly, stakeholders impugned various elements of the complex topic, with many circling common themes like standardizing methods and releasing testing data to the public.

Last week, amid increasing pressure to act on these matters, CCC department heads made a proposal at the body’s monthly meeting which they argued, if passed, could “elevate the integrity of the testing process and ensure compliance.” But operators of several licensed labs in the state disagreed. One was so distraught that they sent a letter to commissioners. It read in part:

“While I was happy to finally see Lab Shopping on the agenda to be addressed in a public meeting, I was left disheartened when I heard the discussion, which made it very clear that the Commission and their staff do not even understand what the problem is, how this has festered to deteriorate the quality and health of the Massachusetts regulatory market. If the Commission does not understand the nature of the problem, then any efforts to resolve it will be misguided, a waste of Commission and tax payer resources.”


Their full article

Regulators Want To Address “Lab Shopping.” Are They Taking The Right Actions?

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