Tasmania: One Of World’s Largest Legal Opioids Producers Tries To Wash Away Sins By Opening Medical Cannabis Facility

As you can probably tell we aren’t fans of Tasmanian Alkaloids. We once heard one of their executives speak and quite honestly it was all rather chilling the matter of fact way they spoke about legal opioids. They remind us of the Australian government’s comments on coal … we just mine it / make it once it has left our shores how the buyers distribute it use it or sell it is of no concern of ours. It’s immoral but then again look at Tasmania’s history and morality doesn’t play a big part.

The fact they have moved into mediical cannabis depresses us no end

Wikipedia onTasmanian Alkaloids

Tasmanian Alkaloids is the largest opium poppy processing company in the Australian state of Tasmania.[1] Approximately forty percent of the world’s legal opiate crop is grown in Tasmania.[2] Tasmanian Alkaloids is a subsidiary of the United States pharmaceutical company Johnson & Johnson,[3] but was formerly—as of 1980—a subsidiary of Abbott Laboratories.[4]
The company patented a poppy variety called “Norman” which was stated, in the 1999 Tasmanian Alkaloids Poppy Grower’s Bulletin to be the first variety lacking morphine and codeine, while still containing thebaine and oripavine. This variety went into commercial production in 1998. The company’s processing plant is in Westbury, a town west of Launceston in the State’s north.[5] The company is licensed by both the Australian federal and state governments to carry out its opiate processing work

Here’s a report on the opening of the cannabis facility…..and this little snippet which pushes up the blood pressure as it is the Liberal party ( think Republicans) that are only to happy to profit from cannabis on one hand and then on the other use the stick on recreational cannabis users.

The Liberal Party has praised the move that will serve the growing demand for medical grade cannabinoids in treating conditions where conventional treatments have failed.

Tasmania’s new medical cannabis facility

Source: https://www.7hofm.com.au/news/tasmanian-news/100360-tasmanias-new-medical-cannabis-facility

Tasmanian Alkaloids has opened a medical cannabis facility with support from the Tasmanian government.

The 10 million dollar loan through the Department of State Growth accelerated the project, with the aim to create more local jobs.

Minister for State Growth Michael Ferguson was there to officially open its 10 million dollar medical cannabis facility in Westbury.

The site further expands the company’s existing capacity as a high-quality service provider for the global medicinal cannabis industry.

Its goal is to become the largest licensed and fully commercial botanical extraction company in the nation, which would establish the state as a a recognised source of medical-grade pharmaceutical products.

The Liberal Party has praised the move that will serve the growing demand for medical grade cannabinoids in treating conditions where conventional treatments have failed.

Tasmanian Alkaloids’ operation is set to not only benefit patients, but will also assist with economic recovery and create jobs for Tasmanians.

Dr Ross Murdoch, Tasmanian Alkaloids CEO, said the opening of the development was an extremely proud moment for the company and its 140 staff.

‘I believe our experience, capabilities and new facility not only position Tasmanian Alkaloids as a predominant player in the Australian and Asia Pacific medicinal cannabis market but also further cement our standing as a global leader in the production of high-valued plant-derived products for the healthcare market.’

The announcement reinforces that Tasmania is open for business. 

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