Tasmanian Hemp Association: The Good News Assoc Feted By USDA / The Bad News China Sourced Seed Too High In THC

Tasmanian Hemp Association President Tim Schmidt writes:


“This season’s harvest is about halfway through… what a contrast to last year’s saga!

Yields are up and grain samples are drier and cleaner than last year’s samples which has contributed to a much smoother and profitable season. One of the most important features of this harvest is the fantastic cooperation fostered between the industry operators, which bodes well for the Tasmanian hemp industry.


Ananda Food, our largest contracting company and Corporate Member of the association have been contributing to the State’s success by allowing broad use of their drying facilities at Carrick which reduces the risk of damaged seed from wet weather. Morgan Leath at Tasmanian Seed Dressing & Storage (also a THA-Corporate Member) and Duncan Heazlewood at Heazlewood Seeds have been doing a fine job managing our crop receivals which is critical in maintaining Tasmanian hemp as the best quality hemp.


L-R: Levin Flake, Tim Schmidt, Zelko Biki

As a testament to the progressiveness of the Tasmanian industry and how far word of our industry success has spread, on 11th March we had a visit to from the USDA (US Department of Agriculture) to learn about our progress and potential for future growth, with representatives Zelko Biki and Levin Flake from the US Embassy calling in to Woodlands Farm to discuss the hemp industry in Tasmania.


The THA has offered support to the State Government and AgriFutures to progress the long-awaited National Variety Trials. As an election has been called, the project progress is on hold until after the Tasmanian State Election which was called just last week.  Hopefully, we will have trials in the ground next spring.


In another small step forward, congratulations to X-Hemp having reached their key investment goal, thus securing a hurd processing facility for Tasmania. It is clear there is a community desire for progress in the Tasmanian hemp industry with so much support coming from so many people. In addition, a big thank you to the growers, contractors and processors who are supporting X-Hemp with a supply of raw material to help kick off this game-changer for the Tasmanian Hemp Industry.


And in some not-so-good news, it looks like a small crop of hemp from Chinese sourced seed has tested over the 1% THC this year and may have to be destroyed. We will let you know the outcome in next month’s report.”

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