Tasmanian Hemp Association Update Board & Welcome New Members

In their latest missive they write.

On Thursday 28th May 2020 we had a successful Board Meeting with full attendance of all elected representatives from the Executive and Committee.

President Tim Schmidt chaired the meeting with Treasurer Daniel Cadart

Left-to-Right: Daniel Cadart; Tim Crow; Tim Schmidt; John Heard; Terry Memory

Several agenda items were ratified including the decision to add an additional Committee Member seat at the next AGM to ensure an odd number of Board Members for votes; clarifying standard operating procedures on matters like expenditure processes; determining the updated logo following the associations name change; and agreeing to make artwork available to our Corporate Members confirming they are members of the THA on their product packaging. The Board also made a decision and announcement that Andi Lucas will take on the recently vacated role of Executive Officer going forward.


The THA is delighted to announce three new industry partners have joined the association as Corporate Members over the past week, and warmly welcome AgLive, Essential Oils of Tasmania and VOS Construction to the THA ranks.

Part of our association’s strategic plan is to expand our membership base across all tiers – Supporter, Associate, Grower and Corporate – so we can more effectively lobby for the necessary legislative change towards whole-of-plant use that will benefit all sectors of our community and economy at a time when such stimulus is desperately needed.

Our new Executive Officer Andi Lucas will be spearheading these efforts, focusing on bringing in stakeholders from outside the pure seed-for-food sector. The THA understands how critical it is to have expert voices from different community and business sectors at the table as we play our part in growing this nascent industry.

Current Members include…

13 Seeds


Ananda Foods

Australian Primary Hemp (APH)

ECS Botanics

Essential Oils of Tasmania

Hemp Foods Australia Pty Ltd

Hemp Harvests

Midlands Seed

The Tassie Hemp Shop

Vos Construction

Primary Sponsor

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