The 3 ‘Cs’ of International Cannabis: Context, Chain, and Capital


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1 Don’t Bother Unless You Need A Well Deserved Sleep

2 You Might Learn Something But We Hope You Didn’t Pay For It

3 This is really something, interesting presenters, well worth the money, and i actually will learn something



The 3 ‘Cs’ of International Cannabis:

Context, Chain, and Capital

According to a new report, the global legal cannabis market size is expected to reach USD 102.2 billion by 2030. Most industry participants rush in, often times at their peril and detriment.


Prior to entering this industry, it is essential to understand the three essential ‘Cs’ of the cannabis industry: Context, (Supply) Chain, and Capital.


Knowing the three C’s is key as there continues to be no centralized industry source for information, market analysis, or trade associations to turn to for reliable resources.


Join us as we examine the importance of these three essential C’s, and provide insight and direction for navigating this complex and everchanging environment.

Thursday, July 14, 2022

1:00 PM ET | 12:00 PM CT | 11:00 AM MT | 10:00 AM PT




Sam Saarsteiner

Partner, Clark Hill


Robert T. Hoban

Member, Clark Hill

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Chief Executive Officer, Gateway Proven Strategies

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