The Colorado Department of Revenue’s Natural Medicine Division (Division) is initiating its first permanent rulemaking process to implement Senate Bill 23-290: Natural Medicine Regulation and Legalization

The Colorado Department of Revenue’s Natural Medicine Division (Division) is initiating its first permanent rulemaking process to implement Senate Bill 23-290: Natural Medicine Regulation and Legalization. For additional information on SB 23-290, please visit the Division’s website


In September 2023, the Division set out to host and facilitate Listening Sessions covering a range of rulemaking and implementation topics. From these Listening Sessions, we have gathered valuable and substantial information on which to base initial draft rules. The Division will facilitate the following public work group meetings to collaborate on proposed rules. 

Rulemaking Work Group Meetings Schedule

Meeting Focus Topics Date / Time / Meeting Format
Meeting #1

Licensing & Application Requirements & Procedures

March 20, 2024

9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Hybrid In-Person & Virtual

Meeting #2

General Requirements

April 10, 2024

9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Virtual Only

Meeting #3

Healing Center Requirements

May 1, 2024

9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Hybrid In-Person & Virtual

Meeting #4

Advertising, Packaging & Labeling, Recordkeeping Requirements

May 22, 2024

1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Hybrid In-Person & Virtual

Meeting #5

Cultivation & Manufacturing Requirements

June 12, 2024

9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Virtual Only

Meeting #6

Testing Requirements & Testing Facilities

June 25, 2024

9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Virtual Only

Meeting #7

Fees, Enforcement, Discipline

July 1, 2024

1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Hybrid In-Person & Virtual

Meeting #8


July 9, 2024

9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Virtual Only

*Please note: The Division may announce additional work group meetings, which may include designating selected work group members.

The Division will post and distribute the agenda for each meeting, including more specific information about what topics will be covered at each work group meeting, at least five days prior to the meeting. All rulemaking information will be accessible on the Division’s rulemaking webpage.

How to Participate: 

Attend meetings and participate in the discussion: 

All members of the public can attend rulemaking meetings and participate in the discussion by signing up to provide comments. These structured work group meetings will be focused on the announced topic(s) and will include time limitations on comments to ensure everyone who signs up to provide comment has an opportunity to do so. Feedback gained during the rulemaking work groups will inform future meeting agenda items, discussions, questions, and the development of the Division’s proposed rules. 

All meetings listed above will be accessible virtually using the Zoom information below: 

Virtual Meeting Option:

Join Zoom Meeting: 

Call in option: (719) 359-4580

Meeting ID: 837 9704 7107

Select meetings will also include an opportunity to attend in-person. Please visit the Division’s rulemaking webpage to identify meetings that will include an in-person attendance option. Unless otherwise noticed on the Division’s rulemaking webpage, in-person work group meetings will be held at the Department of Revenue’s offices: 

In-Person Option (Select Meetings Only): 

1707 Cole Blvd., Ste. 300

Red Rocks Conference Room

Lakewood, CO 80401

Submit written comments:

Interested stakeholders are also encouraged to submit comments on the draft rules using the Division’s written comment form. All comments submitted through this form are logged and reviewed throughout the rulemaking process to inform future meeting agenda items, discussions, questions, and the Division’s proposed rules. 


The Division will hold two more Listening Sessions before we begin the formal rulemaking process. 

“Catch-All” Listening Session February 23, 2024

9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Listening Sessions Wrap-Up & Introduction to Rulemaking March 4, 2024

1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Next Steps: 

The Division is preparing initial draft rules for review and input at the work group meetings listed above. All agendas, draft rules, and any other materials will be posted on the Division’s website at least five (5) days prior to the stakeholder meeting. Additionally, links for each meeting will be posted in advance on the Division’s Rulemaking webpage. 

All rulemaking meetings are open to the public and all interested parties can take an active role in this process by attending and participating in the discussion and by submitting written comments. Rulemaking meetings will be recorded and posted on the Division’s website by the end of the following business day.


For questions about the Division’s rulemaking process, you may contact Allison Robinette at [email protected]. Anyone who is interested in participating in Colorado’s first Natural Medicine rulemaking process is encouraged to visit the Division’s rulemaking webpage and sign up to receive updates about the Division’s progress and work.


The Natural Medicine Division

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