The Dangers Of High-Functioning Depression And Anxiety

Depression and anxiety are issues that plague many people all over the world. It may be due to our busy and stressful lives, it might be due to the additives in foods we eat, or it could be other reasons. The jury is still out over the cause.

One of the biggest problems that people have, when suffering from depression and anxiety, is that they mask their symptoms so well that others don’t realize they are having any problems. This sort of behavior is a survival instinct. People with depression will most often hide it very well and smile at others and carry on at work as if there are no problems at all. In fact, even best friends and family members may not know there is a problem.

High-functioning depression and anxiety can lead to suicidal tendencies in people while those around them are completely clueless to be able to step in and offer support. People with this type of depression rarely reach out and ask for help, preferring to keep their feelings private.


Anxiety Diagnosis Paired with Severe Depression

Sadly, people who are diagnosed with anxiety are often diagnosed with or suffering from depression as well. This happens 85% of the time and of that 85%, 54% are severely depressed.

What are the symptoms of anxiety?


  •     Trouble focusing
  •     Sense of impending doom more often than not
  •     Sweating
  •     Tense muscles
  •     A racing heartbeat, pounding in the chest
  •     Problems breathing or tightness in the chest


What are the symptoms of depression?


  •     Trouble focusing
  •     Lack of interest in daily activities that used to be enjoyable
  •     Not bathing or changing clothes is a sign for many people
  •     Changes in weight – either up or down
  •     Lack of motivation/constantly feeling no direction
  •     Insomnia or problems sleeping or staying asleep


It only takes five of the above symptoms to be diagnosed with major depression.  With Major Depressive Disorder, five symptoms must last for two weeks or more and cause major life disturbances to be diagnosed.

One of the biggest obstacles with this type of depression, however, is that most people don’t seek help. They know they don’t feel right, but they don’t often realize they are depressed. Sometimes it becomes so totally absorbing that they don’t see it as a condition and simply see it as their life stinks.

 High -functioning depression only requires two of the above symptoms and is labeled as a form of dysthymia by most clinical psychiatrists. Dysthymia is a lower-level form of depression and this is why high-functioning depression falls into this category.


High-Functioning Anxiety/Depression Present Differently Than Severe Depression/Anxiety

For those who have high functioning forms of anxiety, they are often the overachievers of the world. You may think of this person as a Type A personality. They could be a perfectionist that seems driven to never sit still. This is the anxiety that drives them to higher performance, acting as a source of energy that seems endless. In truth, it is exhausting them deeply but they cannot find the peace of mind to sit still.

These people will always show a face of excitement, enthusiasm, and being goal-oriented publically. It will not be until they are home, kick their shoes off, and fall into bed that they cry and depression sets in.

It may be the anxiety that drives them to be near perfectionists, and it may be that perfectionism that makes it difficult for them to admit that they feel depressed, empty, and exhausted. They may feel that no matter what they do that they will never be enough and this begins eating away at them, leading to depression and driving them into a never-ending, vicious circle that continues to sap their energy, leaving them right back in bed, sobbing and depressed.

As mentioned before, people with depression and anxiety often will not seek treatment. For the high-functioning performer, this would be a horrible admission of not being able to handle things on their own. Only about one-third of people with high-functioning anxiety or depression will seek help. This is why it is dangerous. When left untreated, either condition is very dangerous. Diabetes, stroke, and cardiovascular disease are all potential side-effects of anxiety and depression.


Seeking Help and Treatment

Learn the signs in others so that you may be able to help a friend or family member. Learn to see the signs in yourself. Therapy is one of the best forms of treatment that there is and you can actually get help through texting services that now offer therapy via chat therapy.

Being able to talk about your emotions with a third-party individual is often the best help. If you feel that you are inclined to self-medicate, understand that drugs and alcohol tend to make the issues worse.

Using products made to help, such as Vitaleaf Naturals that help your body naturally combat depression and anxiety by giving you the support you need to find relaxation and sleep are a far better way to help yourself.


When you use something that can help you rest, you will be beating some of the symptoms right away. Sleep solves a lot of issues because you won’t lay awake thinking about shortcomings, things you didn’t get done, the test you failed, in sixth grade, that is surely the reason your life is miserable today …

Most importantly, be aware of yourself and those around you. The more of us that are educated in the signs and symptoms, the more we can step in and be a resource for others when they need it the most.

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