The Heat Is Rising On The SAFE Act, Or Is it ?

This just in over the weekend from MJ Biz, “House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, a Maryland Democrat, intends to put the SAFE Banking Act to a vote before the end of September, a staff member confirmed to Marijuana Business Daily on Friday.”

Our reading. We hope to be nicely surprised if a bill goes through but in our heart of hearts we’d imagine there’s a lot of watering down amendments to go in before this gets through both chambers and onto the desk of the White House or as you’ll see below another piece of legislation entirely.

Also, who knows what the politics will be by then as we crawl closer to 2020. It could, as they say, all turn on a dime.

As MJ Biz write..

A likely vote on the SAFE Banking Act in the Democrat-controlled House, which has been expected for some time, coincides with the chair of a key Senate panel expressing keen interest in advancing the issue as well.

Senate Banking Chair Michael Crapo, an Idaho Republican, told Politico this week that he wants his committee to vote on a marijuana banking bill by year-end.

But Crapo indicated his office might craft its own bill instead of trying to advance the SAFE Banking Act, which was initiated in the House by Rep. Ed Perlmutter, a Colorado Democrat, with the Senate version spearheaded by Jeff Merkley, an Oregon Democrat.

Marijuana banking bill appears headed to landmark US House vote


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