The Liquor and Cannabis Board (LCB) announces the implementation of a new Education Program led by the agency’s Enforcement and Education Division.
Over the past year and a half, the LCB’s Enforcement and Education Division has been working to create an Education Program consisting of a team dedicated to promoting educational opportunities with licensees and industry members as well as other external stakeholder groups.
The program includes Compliance Consultants, an Education Specialist and an Advertising Coordinator who build relationships and provide education directly with stakeholders across the state, in collaboration with Enforcement Officers.
The team is tasked with helping licensees identify issues, providing educational resources and a contact point for stakeholders to reach out to for support.
To support LCB field staff and the industry further, dedicated resources located in the agency’s headquarters in Olympia are assigned to provide assistance on topics including advertising and the development of educational content based on industry and LCB needs.
The Education Program is dedicated to working with licensees to identify educational needs and to providing a variety of ways for stakeholders to access relevant educational resources. This includes digital content, in-person consultations, and a growing cache of educational content on topics of interest. To provide the best possible resources, the program strives for consistency, access, engagement and awareness of educational resources for licensees and partners.
Licensees are encouraged to reach out to the Education Program staff directly for compliance-related issues using the contact information found on the new program’s webpage.