The Plant Spirit Summit

Expert Speakers & Indigenous Leaders

You’ll hear from these wisdom keepers, ancestral healing practitioners, and indigenous leaders:

  • Chief Phil Lane Jr, Hereditary Chief, Ihanktonwan Dakota and Chickasaw First Nations

  • Samia Biruany, Bixku and Nawa Siã Huni Kuin, Huni Kuin cultural leaders from Acre, Brazil

  • Taita Universario Queta and Abuelita Vitoria Criollo Queta, Cofán traditional healers

  • Modesto Rivera, Wixarika spiritual leader

  • Bladi & Ruth, Ecuadorian traditional healers under the Chachi tradition

  • Shipibo Maestro Don Miguel, of Aya Healing Retreats

  • Jue Karollys, Colombian medicine man, Sun Dancer, and ceremonial leader

  • Jhaimy Alvarez-Acosta, Andean Wisdom Keeper, Traditional Healer, and Spiritual Guide

You’ll also hear from these experts on the essential role that ancestral medicines (and practices) continue to play in the Psychedelic Renaissance:

  • Elio Sol of AYA Healing Retreats

  • Atira Tan, Head of Integration, AYA Healing Retreats

  • John Lockley, Fully-Initiated Sangoma in the Xhosa Lineage of South Africa.

  • Kat Courtney, founder of Plant Medicine People

  • Carlos Tanner, Program Director of Ayahuasca Foundation

  • Robin Flynn, Co-Founder of Visionary Hearts & Star River Sanctuary

Daily Live Panels

Access up to 4 daily 90-minute live panel discussions with psychedelic experts, advocates, and community leaders, exploring topics such as:
  • Ancient Medicine for Modern Times – the Vital Role Ancestral Medicines Play in the Psychedelic Renaissance

  • The Union of Psychedelic Therapy and Ancestral Healing

  • When the Eagle Meets the Condor: The Ethics of Blending Cultures and Practices

  • The Profound Gifts of Indigenous-Led Retreats

  • The Crucial Role of Music and Sound in the Sacred Ceremonies of the Americas


Indigenous-Centered Film Shorts & Documentaries

We’ll be screening 8 short films and documentaries exploring ancestral wisdom,  indigenous culture and plant medicines.
  • Condor Eagle: Alliances to Heal. The inspiration to gather ancestral wisdom keepers to share their ceremonies and culture gave rise to the Condor Eagle Festival in Alto Paraíso, Brazil, which attracts healers, musicians, activists, and visionaries from around the world. This documentary explores the origins of the festival, along with the perspectives of indigenous wisdom keepers on the phenomenon known as the Psychedelic Renaissance.

  • Shift of the Ages. This beautiful documentary maps the quest of Don Alejandro Cirilo Perez Oxlaq, the Grand Elder of the Mayan people as a mystical Aj Q’ji, and Day Keeper of tradition. An incredible true story, the film  follows his mission to fulfill the Condor Eagle Prophecy by bringing together the indigenous people of the North and South in sacred ceremony.

  • The Guidance of Yagé – Ancestral Siekopai Medicine. Directed by Siekopai leader Jimmy Piaguaje and produced by filmmaker Kumiko Hayashi, this short film will give you a glimpse of the importance of yajé for the Siekopai nation, the role this sacred medicine has played in the preservation of their culture, and the shamanic secrets passed on to the current generation of healers by ancestral wisdom keepers.

  • Novo Futuro: A Huni Kuin Renaissance. Filmed in Acre, Brazil, this mini documentary features Ninawa Pai Da Mata, spiritual leader of the Huni Kuin community of Novo Futuro. Directed by Brazilian filmmakers Lara Jacoski and Patrick Belem from Bem-Te-Vi Produções, Ninawa shares the tribe’s decision to open their village to outsiders and seek alliances with people from the Global North.

  • Ayahuasca at the Parliament of World Religions. Directed by Mareesa Stertz, this short film follows a delegation of Amazonian indigenous leaders, the Santo Daime, and researchers in their mission to represent ayahuasca spirituality at the Parliament of the World Religions.

  • La Ciencia de la Ayahuasca. In this episode of the Spanish language documentary series ‘Voices of Ayahuasca’, prestigious scientists explore the therapeutic potential of this ceremonial drink originating from the Upper Amazon, along with the ongoing challenges to research imposed by drug prohibition.

  • Santo Daime, la Religión de la Floresta. Santo Daime is a syncretic religion originating in Brazil that uses ayahuasca (‘daime’) as a sacrament. In this episode of ‘Voices of Ayahuasca’, we trace the origins and history of this spiritual movement and speak with members of the Santo Daime church in Spain.

  • The Art of Hapé in the Brazilian Amazon. In this film short, EntheoNation founder Lorna Liana speaks with master hapé maker Gesileu Phaspy Ninawa on the art of making sacred Amazonian snuff.

Get ready to explore the potential the global expansion of plant medicines presents for humanity’s healing and collective liberation at The Plant Spirit Summit on June 23-29, 2024!
With gratitude and appreciation,
Shelby Hartman
DoubleBlind Co-founder and Editor-in-Chief

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