CBD as one of the active ingredients of cannabis offers numerous therapeutic properties. As we know cannabis was illegal for a long time, but things change and that is the case with CBD. Now, fortunately, there is a different approach towards CBD and therapeutic cannabis in general. CBD gained ground and it is without a doubt a thriving market lately. There has been an increase in demand and usage of all CBD-containing products such as CBD oil for instance.
This article will give the right light to the most important questions about CBD and its properties.
What is CBD and what kind of products are offered?
CBD is one of the hundreds of cannabinoids in the cannabis plant which may play an important role in the well-being of our body and mind. This cannabinoid is different from other cannabinoids such as THC because it has no psychoactive effects. A property like this means that CBD does not cause addiction or the “high” feeling. You may ask, how is CBD obtained the best? And that is a really good question because it is very important for the legality of the substance. The best way to obtain CBD is by cultivating hemp with less than 0.3% THC. Hemp contains around 20% CBD and when it has less than 0.3% THC is legal in most countries. There are some exceptions but there is a big chance that every country will allow it sooner or later.
So when we talk about hemp and CBD, we are talking about benefits and legality without side effects, while with marijuana and THC we talk about benefits but with addiction and illegality. CBD products can be of different forms, but mainly CBD flower, oils and creams. Both these strains, hemp, and marijuana are Cannabis Sativa varieties with medicinal properties, but CBD is simply the best. Below we will explain why.
What are the therapeutic properties of CBD?
Before explaining the benefits of CBD and the health disorders and issues CBD fights or treats, it is important to make a list of the properties that this cannabinoid contains. The scientific research and studies so far have convinced people about the medicinal potential of CBD listing many therapeutic properties, including:
- it is seizure preventive – helps to alleviate the relentlessness of seizures.
- has anti-inflammatory properties – helps to treat Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, etc.
- it is analgesic – alleviates pain if patients.
- has anti-tumor properties – reduces the growth of tumors.
- it is antipsychotic – does not cause addiction and does not make you “high”.
- has anti-anxiety properties – reduces anxiety and stress.
- it is anti-aging – helps the skin in many forms.
And the list is long with many many more therapeutic properties joining the list after each research. So, where else is CBD used?
The medical use of CBD
Perhaps the best medical use of CBD is the anti-cancer one because it reduces countless symptoms and pathologies. CBD is an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory substance that is able to fight acne and solve many skin problems. In fact, CBD gives a sense of well-being not only for humans but also for animals. Furthermore, this cannabinoid can practically help and treat pretty much any type of pain. Other benefits that consumers appreciate the most are the ability to fight insomnia, provide relaxation, and rest. Fights stress, anxiety, nausea. CBD has the power to keep under control even more serious health problems, including:
- diabetes
- cardiovascular diseases
- post-traumatic stress disorder
- epilepsy
- chronic pain
- depression and much more.
In conclusion, we must say that when we talk about CBD, we talk about a truly precious substance. A substance that has amazing benefits for human health. In addition, we recommend you take further advice from your doctor and then choose a CBD product. You can find CBD products everywhere but the best possible way should be online CBD sellers in your country or elsewhere.