Tourist arrested in Malaysia after cannabis smoked in Thailand was still in his system – jailed for 5 months

A tourist from Doha was arrested in Malaysia after a drug test revealed traces of marijuana he had smoked in Thailand before entering the country.

On Wednesday (12 March), Malaysian lawyer Fauzul Azim shared details of the case in a Facebook post, explaining how he handled the mitigation for the tourist.

According to Mr Fauzul, the tourist had arrived in Malaysia from Thailand, where he had consumed marijuana during his stay.

Upon arrival, local authorities subjected him to a urine test.

Unfortunately, traces of marijuana remained in his system, resulting in a positive drug test.

As a consequence, the tourist was charged under Malaysian law for the self-administration of dangerous drugs, which carries a penalty of up to two years in prison and a fine of RM5,000 (approximately S$1,500).

Sentence mitigated to 5 months’ jail

The tourist explained that he was unaware that cannabis, which is legal in Thailand, is prohibited in Malaysia.

However, as Mr Fauzul pointed out, the legal principle of ignorantia juris non excusat (ignorance of the law is no excuse) meant his lack of knowledge was not a valid defence.

Fortunately, the lawyer’s argument convinced the court to reduce the sentence.

The man was sentenced to five months in jail, starting from the date of his arrest, meaning he is expected to be released in April.

Tourist gets 5 months’ jail in M’sia after marijuana smoked in Thailand was found in his system

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