Trulieve Big On Deals But According To Reddit Post Not So Big On Paying Staff

Here’s the post and source.

Make of it what you will but it does appear to us that if you can crow about billion dollar deals chucking fifty bucks at staff who only get $11 an hour anyway.

In the UK we call that extracting the Michael or better known as taking the piss

I’m not sure how many of y’all have heard about what happened recently at Trulieve, but I’m blessed to know some of the workers there. One of them asked me to post this on their behalf.
“Today at trulieve pay was late – again – and when they got it everyone was screwed over on OT. After we put our blood sweat and tears into growing the plant for these guys to pay me $11 per hour.
People walked off. Lots of people. I’m not talking one or two. I’m talking the whole damn joint.
Then the vampires at corporate got panicked and sent out a message saying we are going to give you fifty bucks.
Screw your fifty bucks. You owe us way more than that. But today we learned something. You’re scared of us when we act together.

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