UK: Public Outcry as CBD Products to be Considered Narcotics – Seed Our Future Blasts Kit Malthouse, ‘Minister of State for Crime and Policing

National campaign group ‘Seed our Future’ blasted Kit Malthouse, ‘Minister of State for Crime and Policing’ and Prof Owen Bowden-Jones, ‘Chair of the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs’ in a letter sent on the 4th February which calls on them to reconsider the request to change legislation which will classify all natural hemp derived products (CBD products) as Schedule 1 drugs.

Seed our Future ended the letter stating

Please respond to our concerns and suggestions within 30 days of the date of this letter. Failure to respond may lead to a public call for resignation and/or legal action.’


They continue in their press release

On 11th January, Kit Malthouse called for changes in legislation which would eradicate all natural hemp products containing trace amounts of naturally occurring controlled cannabinoids at levels which are impossible to cause a high or any risk of harm. The resulting change could see a ‘black market’ develop to support people who have relied on these food supplements for several years. Those found in possession of these supplements, including hemp tea could be arrested for possession of Class B drugs and CBD company owners incarcerated for up to 14 years.


The campaign groups letter responded, stating:

‘It is widely accepted that there is a much greater risk of addiction, psychoactive effect and harm from black or green tea than that of hemp products.’
We are concerned that the ever growing restrictions as to the marketing and public access to whole plant hemp derived products (commonly referred to as CBD products) are being restricted without any scientific foundation evidence and that the removal of these products from the UK food market will result in a national public health issue (inability to supplement our endocannabinoid systems), the economic impact (and possible competition law implications) on the fastest growing sector within the food supplement industry, a breach of human rights to health as per Article 12 of International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and possible breaches of misconduct in public office.’

The UK’s CBD industry, hardly heard of back in 2016 but now considered the supplement of supplements, is so popular that sales have outcompeted the sales of vitamin C and D and are available on every high street and in virtually every health food shop. Revered by celebrities and sportspersons and used by over 6 million (appro 10%) people in the UK, the UK industry is thought to be worth £300 million but we are about to see the end of this industry here all in the name of unsubstantiated health concerns, which considering the scientifically known health benefits is, an oxymoron. The picture in Europe, the US and Canada is quite different and industry experts from across the globe are shocked at the backward approach from the UK government.



Guy Coxall, founder of the National campaign group, Seed our Future is quoted saying:


Guy Coxall

‘Why use taxpayers money to commission a report and a call for change in legislation or products that are proven to not only be harmless but the removal of these products would negatively impact on public health and the health of our economy and our environment. We should be following suit with the rest of the world, allowing UK hemp farmers to benefit from this industry and setting allowable levels naturally occurring in the plant. Kit should resign from his post in office with immediate effect as this request is evidently not in the public interest and amounts to misconduct in public office.’

Guy continued,

‘the industry is being cornered into manufacturing products using CBD isolate which are simply ineffective. Only a whole plant product is suitable for our bodies needs because there are around 500 compounds present which work synergistically together, the result of around 300 million years of this remarkable plants’ evolution. This is what our bodies need. The trace amounts of controlled cannabinoids like THC are also needed but in hemp, they are in such small amounts that there is absolutely no chance of attaining a high. It is completely irrational that dangerous psychoactive drugs like alcohol and tobacco are freely available and these are responsible for 90% of all drug related deaths but non-toxic, safe substances like cannabis which have caused no deaths from toxicity continue to be prohibited and controlled, especially those hemp products which are in effect, no more harmful than taking a multi-vitamin supplement.’

The Seed our Future campaign group are now in talks with industry stakeholders and lawyers to implement legal action against the Government whilst calling on all CBD users to write to their local MP, demanding immediate change. For those wishing to get involved, more information is available at

For more information please contact Guy Coxall

Email: [email protected]

Tel: 07508802773


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