Understanding the Impact of CBD on Arthritis Pain in Dogs

Dogs suffer from arthritic pain as much as humans. Osteoarthritis in dogs can set in as early as when they are five years old. Although studies have shown that CBD can be beneficial for improving conditions like spasms, anxiety disorders, and pains, there are still several grey areas that the researchers are trying to figure out.

However, veterinary studies have shown that CBD can be beneficial for relieving the same symptoms in animals like cats and dogs. It can be a viable alternative to pharmaceutical drugs if administered under the guidance of a vet or animal therapist. If you also want to try CBD oil for dogs with arthritis, understand some pertinent facts first. Here, they are:

How Can CBD Help Dogs with Pain?

Pain in the muscles and joints is often the result of old age, and inevitable for almost every dog at some point in its life. CBD makes the endocannabinoid system in the body work more efficiently and reduces the impact of pain signals sent to the brain.

The FDA has not confirmed or certified the use of CBD on animals. However, associations like the American Kennel Club, in association with specialists, have suggested that CBD can help relieve many kinds of pain in a dog, including osteoarthritis.

Impact of CBD on Dogs

  1. Reducing Inflammation

Osteoarthritis can cause inflammation in the joints and heaviness in the limbs. This can prevent dogs from regular exercises, causing them to slow down. Lack of exercise will deplete your pet of its energy, reduce its vigor and result in loss of appetite.

Also, your dog will be in constant discomfort and might whimper while trying to move around. CBD can help reduce inflammation, and it will likewise lessen the associated pain. You may consider using CBD for dog pain as it can also reverse damage caused by previous bouts of inflammation.

  1. Improves Mobility

Osteoarthritis and hip dysplasia are the most prevalent reasons why your dog might slow down. Have you noticed that your dog refuses to swim in the pool like it used to or shows no interest when going to the dog park?

Does it curl up in the corner as soon as you reach home and refuse to play even if you offer treats? These are all signs of reduced mobility in your dog, and CBD can help by improving its quality of life.

  1. Reduced Intake of Medication

CBD is not only effective in relieving pain and inflammation itself, but it also enhances the functions of any other NSAIDs or opioids your dog might be taking by making them more effective.

Hence, your dog does not have to rely on pharmaceutical drugs alone, which could have other side effects like nausea or drowsiness. You do not have to fret about long-term complications from medications that might deteriorate its health or habits.

Try using CBD for dog pain if your pet is in extreme discomfort due to arthritis. You can ask your vet about the necessary dosage based on their medical history and age, and it will surely improve their condition.

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