The cannabis market in Uruguay it continues to grow in 2024, with more than 102 thousand registered legal buyers. Demand was strongly driven by the launch of the variant Epsilon, which contains a higher concentration of tetrahydrocannabinol THC (20%)attracting more consumers in search of a more powerful product.
In October 2024, the Epsilon variant hit the market, quickly becoming a favorite of Uruguayan consumers. In the two months following its launch, pharmacies distributed 359 kilograms of this new — variant a volume higher than the sales of the already known Alfa and Beta, according to the Institute for Cannabis Regulation and Control (IRCA).
In December, IRCA also approved the marketing psychoactive cannabis seeds and clones to member clubs. The sale of the seeds is expected to start in March 2025, generating new possibilities for both the local market and for other countries.
Currently, 74,583 people are registered to buy cannabis in 40 authorized pharmacies, distributed in 12 departments of the country. In addition, about 15,796 members of 460 cannabis clubs doubled their production, meeting growing demand. Finally, 11,597 people chose to grow the plant in their own homes.