US Coast Guard seizes $158M worth of cocaine, marijuana during patrols

The U.S. Coast Guard recently seized an estimated $158 million worth of drugs during anti-narcotics patrols in the Pacific Ocean.

The Crew of the Coast Guard Cutter Steadfast offloaded more than 11,600 pounds of cocaine and 5,500 pounds of marijuana in San Diego on Monday.

The U.S. Coast Guard says crews of the Coast Guard Cutters Vigilant, Mohawk, and Steadfast, interdicted the drugs between May and July during counter-narcotics patrols in the Eastern Pacific Ocean. 

Rear Adm. Andrew Sugimoto, commander of the Coast Guard Eleventh District, credited the crews with disrupting drug flow and preventing a “significant amount of drugs from reaching the U.S.”

“Their unwavering commitment while interdicting drug smugglers at sea is not only commended, but their continued efforts are unmatched,” he said in a statement.

Lt. Cecelia Hosley said during a Monday press conference that at least 14 were detained during the seizures and turned over to the Drug Enforcement Agency for processing.

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