We are thrilled that two principal items of our hemp industry agenda were included. Repealing the hemp felon ban has been a high priority of the US Hemp Roundtable since the 2018 Farm Bill passed, and we are encouraged that it is listed as a priority of Senate Democrats. We are glad that this ban repeal covers all farmers and is not limited to a select few as we have seen in some legislation. Farmers who have paid their time should be eligible to grow a legal crop.
We are also excited to see that regulatory barriers will be lowered for farmers who grow hemp grain and fiber. We don’t know whether this means a full exemption as proposed by some activists, the “fit for purpose” approach suggested by our multi-organization coalition, or something entirely different. Regardless, any step in the right direction in this regard will be applauded.
What was not mentioned in either document is a redefinition of hemp that could result in the prohibition of popular hemp products that have rescued the industry and farmers in recent years. Some marijuana organizations have joined prohibitionists to propose bans that could federally criminalize products with any amount of THC, even non-intoxicating full spectrum CBD products. We continue to lobby Congress against such restrictions and are hopeful that our approach – regulating all products and keeping products that may impair out of the hands of children – will prevail in the end.
Stay tuned to this space as more details and legislative language are released in the weeks ahead. |