US Hemp Roundtable Update: Progress On 2023 Farm Bill Priorities For The Hemp Industry

In April, we proudly announced our collaboration with prominent organizations in the hemp industry, namely the Hemp Industries Association (HIA) and the National Industrial Hemp Council (NIHC), alongside Morris Beegle and We. Are. For. Better. Alternatives (WAFBA), on the development of essential policy priorities for the upcoming 2023 Farm Bill. 

After months of rigorous discussion and deliberation, we successfully finalized these priorities, gaining support from an impressive total of 31 state, regional, and national hemp organizations across the country. This remarkable milestone marks the first time since the resurgence of hemp that nonprofit advocacy groups across the nation have united in alignment on such a vast legislative initiative.

Building upon this achievement, the U.S. Hemp Roundtable joined by HIA and NIHC took the initiative to promote these policy priorities directly to members of Congress during its Spring Fly-in to Washington D.C. in late April. We are thrilled to share the significant progress that has transpired since the initial announcement and subsequent promotion on Capitol Hill. This opportunity to engage with policymakers has been invaluable in raising awareness and garnering support for the hemp industry’s advancement.

By consolidating the collective efforts of diverse hemp organizations and presenting a unified front, the likelihood of these policy priorities gaining traction and influencing the development of the 2023 Farm Bill is considerably heightened. The impact of this collaboration and advocacy cannot be overstated, as it holds the potential to shape the future of hemp-related policies in the United States. We remain excited about the prospects and are committed to continuing our endeavors on behalf of the hemp industry.

Click below for summaries of each priority, followed by a brief progress update. You can find the original priorities document here.

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