US Hemp Roundtable Weekly Update – The War on Hemp in 3 More States: Louisiana, Illinois, and Nebraska


SB 237 would be a giant step backwards in Louisiana. The bill limits consumable hemp products to 0.0% THC, eliminates protections for hemp floral material, expands the existing prohibition against alcoholic beverages with THC to include any beverage with THC, and prohibits inhalable products. If enacted, the bill would directly conflict with federal law and Louisiana’s definition of hemp.

Louisiana Hemp Supporters are encouraged to urge legislators to oppose the bill.

Urge Louisiana Lawmakers to Oppose SB 237



In the Windy City, a proposed ordinance would prohibit the manufacture or retail sale of consumable hemp products that contain THC-O, delta-8 THC, or delta-10 THC, or that contain more than 0.5mg delta-9 THC per serving/2.5mg per package. Such products, even those that are non-intoxicating, could only be sold in a licensed cannabis store. The proposal is the latest effort to restrict most hemp products in Chicago.

If you live in Chicago, please contact your local official to oppose the proposal. Alderman Hopkins is the driving force behind this, but we strongly encourage those of you who conduct business in Chicago to utilize this link to reach out to your Alderperson directly. Here’s a quick message you can copy and paste:

Subject: Please oppose ordinance 4215

Body: As your constituent, I’m asking you to oppose proposed ordinance 4215. The proposal would prohibit the manufacture or retail sale of most hemp products, including non-intoxicating products. Please oppose ordinance 4215. I appreciate your consideration.

Alderperson Email Contacts


In Nebraska, an amendment to LB 399 would tax consumable hemp products at 100%. Yes, a 100% tax rate, which would take effect July 1, 2024. According to one lawmaker, the tax would be part of the largest overall tax increase in Nebraska’s history.

Nebraska Hemp Supporters are encourage to use our State Action Center to urge legislators to oppose the bill.

Urge Nebraska Lawmakers to Oppose LB 399



Additionally, there are several important updates. In Arizona, SB 1186, which would restrict all hemp-derived products to persons 21 or older and would create packaging and other requirements, passed the Senate and is nearing a final vote in the House.




Georgia SB 494, which sets the fees for consumable hemp product manufacturer, wholesaler, and retailer licenses, is headed to the Governor.




Proposed amendments to Missouri SB 984 would further restrict intoxicating cannabinoid products to persons 21 or older and would require that such products be grown, produced, manufactured, packaged, labeled, tested, transported, and distributed in the United States. We expect the amendments to be debated and voted on soon.




Oregon HB 4121 was signed into law. The omnibus cannabis bill establishes registration, annual fee, labeling, and packaging requirements for consumable hemp products that contain cannabinoids, and directs the Oregon Liquor and Cannabis Commission to adopt standards for approving hemp products that contain artificially derived cannabinoids.


West Virginia


Lastly, West Virginia SB 679, which addresses permitting, labeling, and other administrative requirements for hemp cannabinoid product manufacturers, processors, distributors, and sellers, was signed into law.

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