USA Roundup: California, Maryland, Nevada, New Jersey, Texas, Vermont


California AG defends state’s marijuana laws

As he admitted having tried weed “at a younger time,” California Attorney General Xavier Becerra on Wednesday night defended the state’s 2016 legalization of recreational marijuana against possible federal restrictions.


In an interview with POLITICO California’s David Siders and Carla Marinucci, the former Democratic congressman said he is willing to fight U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions, a dedicated foe of the drug, on a possible federal crackdown on legal marijuana.

“Cannabis is last century’s argument. We’re beyond that. I suspect if you took a real quick poll here, I bet if we took a poll, who has got cannabis, it’d be pretty — you don’t have to raise your hand, but you know what I’m saying,” Becerra told the San Francisco audience.


Maryland MMJ commission has unpaid bill for application job



Nevada medical marijuana businesses prepping for July launch of recreational sales



Pro-Rec Cannabis Trade Association Forms in New Jersey


Article:  How medical marijuana met its end in Texas

A bill can be killed any number of ways, including through obstruction, feet dragging, amendment, or procedure. In the case of a medical marijuana bill in Texas, despite having enough support to pass, the paperwork just didn’t arrive in time.

House Bill 2107 would have given a number of patients access to whole plant medical marijuana. Filed by Rep. Eddie Lucio III (D-Brownsville) and co-authored by Rep. Jason Isaac (R-Dripping Springs), support for the bill was bi-partisan.

During the Texas GOP’s 2016 state convention, delegates voted in favor of supporting medical marijuana and it is officially in the party’s platform. Republicans currently hold 95 seats in the Texas House of Representatives, and at one point during the session, this part of the platform was distributed to the office of every Republican.


Vermont Legislature is the First to Pass a Recreational Cannabis Bill


Vermont Awaits Decision From Governor on Legalization of Pot

While the Vermont Legislature has passed a law that could make the state the ninth to legalize the recreational use of marijuana it will be up to Vermont Gov. Phil Scott to decide whether to allow the bill to become law.

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