USA: Sessions Letter Asks Congressional Leaders To Undo Rohrabacher-Farr

It’s already been viewed 50K times and once you see the content of this 1 May 2017 letter it won’t be hard to guess why.

Here’s the original report on Mass Roots

Here’s the letter in full. 3 pp click on each image to read

Below the letter we highlight the commentary already coming in.




 have published with regard to the letter and write

Through a spokesman, Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R., Calif.) said that “Mr. Sessions stands athwart an overwhelming majority of Americans and even, sadly, against veterans and other suffering Americans who we now know conclusively are helped dramatically by medical marijuana.”

The Washington Post writes

Attorney General Jeff Sessions is asking congressional leaders to undo federal medical marijuana protections that have been in place since 2014, according to a May letter that became public Monday.

The protections, known as the Rohrabacher-Farr amendment, prohibit the Justice Department from using federal funds to prevent certain states “from implementing their own State laws that authorize the use, distribution, possession or cultivation of medical marijuana.”

In his letter, first obtained by Tom Angell of and verified independently by The Washington Post, Sessions argued that the amendment would “inhibit [the Justice Department’s] authority to enforce the Controlled Substances Act.” He continues:

Rolling Stone

And it seems as though his views have the president’s support. As a candidate, President Trump repeatedly promised that he would respect state marijuana laws if elected, even noting that he knew people who had personally benefited from medical marijuana use. But when he signed a fiscal-year 2017 omnibus appropriations bill into law last month, he signed a statement that gave him the right to ignore medical marijuana protections, reversing his stance.

“I will treat this provision consistently with my constitutional responsibility to take care that the laws be faithfully executed,” Trump wrote.

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