USA Wrap: Opinion, New York, Utah


We rarely comment in our round ups but we have to congratulate Civilized on this op-ed. There has been little commentary on his turn around and the reasons for it and we congratulate Civilized for stating some pretty obvious truths

Title: The Disgusting Hypocrisy of John Boehner

Author: Civilized

Date: 14 April 2018



In a disgusting display of hypocrisy, former House Speaker John Boehner joined the marijuana legalization movement earlier this week after opposing cannabis reform for decades. Boehner claims that his position on marijuana has “evolved” in recent years, but the move is depressingly consistent with his stance toward cashing in on his political influence.

Boehner declared his new position on marijuana at the same time as announcing his decision to join the cannabis investment group Acreage Holdings as a member of its board of advisors (likely a euphemism for unregistered lobbyists).

That coincidence might seem innocent until you consider Boehner’s track record of selling out to to special-interest groups.

Back in 1995, then Congressman Boehner handed out checks from tobacco lobbyists to his colleagues on the floor of the House of Representatives while the chamber was deliberating whether or not to support government subsidies for tobacco farmers. That’s right: he was acting as Big Tobacco’s messenger boy by brazenly handing out checks in plain sight.

So it’s no surprise that after leaving Congress in 2015, Boehner immediately took a position as a lobbyist for Reynolds America – the distributors of Camels, which just so happen to be Boehner’s favorite cigarettes. It was the perfect job for the politician that NPR dubbed “the nation’s highest-ranking smoker” during his tenure as House Speaker. But that title is actually a misnomer because Boehner only approved of puffing one specific plant.


Title: Cuomo follows Nixon and takes a step toward supporting marijuana legalization

Author: Time Out

Date: 13 April 2018



Earlier this week, Democratic gubernatorial candidate Cynthia Nixon came out in favor of marijuana legalization in New York. Well, she more than came out in favor—she made it a centerpiece of her platform and proceeded to ask supporters to make donations of $4.20 to her campaign, a nod to the number and holiday celebrated by jazz cigarette enthusiasts for decades.

The move put Governor Andrew Cuomo in a sticky situation—he’s previously come out against legalizing cannabis in the state but changed his tune slightly in January when he announced he would form a panel to advise him on the prospect of legalizing the drug. But now, with Nixon gaining support and the devil’s lettuce now legal for recreational use in Massachusetts and legislation on the way in New Jersey that could do the same, the governor is warming up to the idea.

In a press conference on Thursday on a completely unrelated matter (the subway), Cuomo responded to questions about legalizing the sticky icky in the Empire State.

“The situation has changed drastically with marijuana,” he said. “It’s no longer a question of legal or not legal. It’s legal in Massachusetts. It may be legal in New Jersey, which means for all intents and purposes, it’s going to be here anyway.”

“The majority of the legislature is, I would say, against legalizing it,” he continued. “I said it’s a new day; let’s look at the facts. I know people have opinions—and it’s hard to get people to change opinions—but opinions should be based on facts. So let’s talk to the experts, let’s put together the facts.”


Title: Op-ed: Don’t be deceived by Utah’s marijuana initiative

Author: Deseret News

Date: 14 April 2018



Utah Gov. Gary Herbert was right when he said that the Medical Cannabis Initiative has significant flaws. He said, “It lacks important safeguards regarding its production and utilization and would potentially open the door to recreational use.”

Herbert said he would actively oppose the initiative.

In a recent Utah Policy Daily poll, the question was asked, “Do you support or oppose legalizing doctor-prescribed use of non-smoking medical marijuana for certain diseases and pain relief?” Based on this deceptive question, Utah Policy reported that Utahns’ overwhelming support doctor-prescribed medical marijuana, thus concluding that they supported the 28-page proposed initiative to legalize medical marijuana by a vote of the people. Had the poll question stated that the initiative did not include doctor-prescribed marijuana, the poll results would have likely been dramatically different. Most of us support doctor-prescribed medicine, but that is not what is in this initiative.

Doctors, or any medical providers such as psychiatrists, physician assistants or nurses may give the patients a “permission slip” to get a card from the state that allows them to buy whole plant marijuana from a dispensary for themselves or their children. There is not a prescription required in this law. The doctor is not legally permitted to determine amounts, types, ratio of CBD to THC (the psychotropic drug that is part of the marijuana plant) or any other control on what the patient will actually receive at the marijuana dispensary. Components of the marijuana plant may have medical properties, but that is not the same as medicine. Medicine is made when a laboratory extracts the medicinal compound and then standardizes it and doses it. The employees at the dispensary are not pharmacists.


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