Vertical Bliss Formally Kushy Punch Could Face Fines Of $US498 Million

MJ Biz have an exclusive report on CA company Kushy Punch..

They write

Vertical Bliss’ reach into the illegal cannabis market when the company, operating as Kushy Punch, was busted in 2019 was more than three times what was estimated when it first landed in state regulators’ crosshairs.

That’s according to a civil lawsuit filed by the California attorney general on behalf of the state Bureau of Cannabis Control and the Department of Public Health.

Kushy Punch’s two California cannabis business licenses were revoked as a result of last fall’s raid, and the Los Angeles-area company could be fined up to $498 million.

Neither Kushy Punch officials nor the company’s representatives could be reached for comment.

Read all the gory details at

Lawsuit: Kushy Punch’s illicit marijuana market reach more than first known



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