Bulletin No 24-03
To: Cannabis Industry Members
Re: Updated List of Pesticides Allowed for Use on Cannabis in the Production of High THC Cannabis
The Washington State Department of Agriculture (WSDA) has recently updated the list of pesticides that are allowed for use on cannabis in the production of high-THC cannabis in Washington State, based on criteria previously established by WSDA.
- WSDA has added 2 new Section 3 pesticides and 1 new Section 25(b) pesticide to the list of allowable products for a total of 3 new products.
- WSDA removed 0 Section 3 pesticides and 0 Section 25(b) pesticides from the list for a total of 0 products removed.
- The updated list contains 244 Section 3 pesticides and 88 Section 25(b) pesticides, for a total of 332 products allowed for use on cannabis in the production of high-THC cannabis in Washington State.
“WPS” and “HG Only” Columns
WSDA has two columns on the list: (1) Section 3 pesticides that are subject to Worker Protection Standard (WPS) requirements, and (2) Section 3 pesticides that are limited to use by non-commercial “HG Only” cannabis growers. The products designated as “HG Only = Yes” may only be used by those individuals authorized to home grow medical use cannabis.
Products marked as “HG Only = Yes” may not be used in the commercial production of cannabis.
Spray Adjuvants
Spray adjuvants are not included on the list however, any spray adjuvant that is labeled for use on food crops can be used with an allowed pesticide that is applied to cannabis if the intended use is authorized by the spray adjuvant label. For example, a spray adjuvant labeled only for use with an herbicide cannot be used with an insecticide or fungicide. Information on spray adjuvants registered for distribution in Washington is available from the WSU PICOL database.
Please check your stock of pesticides against the list to ensure you are using an allowed product. Cannabis growers can continue using any existing stocks of pesticides that were removed from the list, but no new product can be purchased.
All the pesticides added to the list contain active ingredients already allowed for use in cannabis production.
Some pesticides are labeled for application to soil or crop plants, while others are labeled for application to both soil and crop plants (e.g., insecticides, fungicides). Other pesticides include herbicides labeled for direct application to, and control of, unwanted plants (i.e., weeds). Remember to read, understand, and comply with all applicable label directions and precautions when using any pesticide.
Products Added to the List:
Type |
Name |
EPA or WA Registration Number |
Section 3 |
Fungi-Phite |
73771-5 |
Section 3 |
Neem 85 |
95993-3-6218 |
Section 25b |
Power SI Insect Control |
994400-24001 |
Products Removed from the List: Product registration was cancelled or non-renewed by the registrant:
Type |
Name |
EPA or WA Registration Number |
You can find the complete list of pesticides that are allowed for use on cannabis in high-THC cannabis production, the criteria WSDA used to establish the list, and information regarding statewide stop-sale orders in Washington on the WSDA website: https://agr.wa.gov/
Contact Information
For questions about the Cannabis List, please contact Laurel Schmalz:
- Phone: 360-974-9759
- Email: Laurel.Schmalz@agr.wa.gov
For information regarding the registration of pesticides and fertilizers, please contact the WSDA Pesticide and Fertilizer Registration Section:
- Phone: 360-902-2025
- Email for pesticide registration: pestreg@agr.wa.gov
- Email for fertilizer registration: fertreg@agr.wa.gov
For information regarding how to comply with the pesticide label, please contact the WSDA Pesticide Compliance:
- Phone: 360-902-2040
- Email: pcompliance@agr.wa.gov
For any other questions, please contact your Liquor and Cannabis Board enforcement officer.