There are 1,181 legal retailers in California, including licensed shops, delivery services and microbusinesses, although not all of the latter engage in retail and Weedmaps still have 2,920 CA businesses on the database as of Jan 3 2020.
Here’s the introduction to the MJ Biz piece and this does look like real progress .
Doing the math it looks as though another 1739 businesses still need to to be removed. It’ll be interesting to see how long they take to go through the process
Here’s the introduction to the MJ piece
In an emailed statement to Marijuana Business Daily, Weedmaps said that “hundreds of our retail and brand partners” have provided state license numbers, but the company did not offer specifics on how many ads were dropped or how many businesses are currently advertising on the site in California.
“This was the right decision,” a Weedmaps spokesperson wrote to MJBizDaily. “However, the severe shortage of licenses in the state of California at the local level is real and will be detrimental to this industry at large.”
According to Sacramento-based consultant Jackie McGowan, Weedmaps apparently has scrubbed its site of roughly 2,700 underground marijuana shops and delivery services in California.
By McGowan’s tally, on Dec. 31, there were 5,610 listings on Weedmaps in California for various marijuana retailers.
By Jan. 3, that number had dropped to 2,920.