Author: Medical Marijuana
Date: 14 May 2018
Data indicates that a large majority of oncologists have discussed the use of medical marijuana with patients, yet feel they lack sufficient knowledge about cannabis to advise them.
Nearly half of oncologists in the United States have recently recommended medical marijuana to cancer patients, according to findings in a new study published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology.
In an effort to assess oncologists’ practices and beliefs around medical marijuana, researchers from the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston, Harvard Medical School, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, University of Massachusetts-Boston, and Massachusetts General Hospital conducted a random survey of 237 cancer doctors from around the country.
According to the survey, roughly 80 percent have talked with their patients about the use of medical marijuana for managing issues like pain and other cancer-related symptoms.
Title: Is Cannabis Yoga Just An Excuse To Smoke Weed? It’s always 4/20 in this yoga class.
Author: Study Breaks.com
Date: 10 May 2018
URL: https://studybreaks.com/culture/cannabis-yoga/
On the other hand, if you’ve never smoked a puff of weed in your life, this class should not be the place you lose your weed virginity. For the weed virgin, the thought of being high is just an idea but has never been a reality; therefore, you don’t know how you’ll react or feel. On top of that, being in a yoga studio with a bunch of strangers may make you feel even more uncomfortable as a newbie to getting high.
Title: A Record Number of Pro-Pot and Anti-Opioid Candidates Are Running for Office
Author: Merry Jane
Date: 15 May 2018
Many of these candidates are hopeful that their platforms will bring young, liberal voters to the midterm elections, which often have low voter turnouts.
Title: LISTEN: The Holy Intersection of Pot & Synthesizers.
Author: Cannabis Now
Date: 16 May 2018
URL: https://cannabisnow.com/pot-synthesizers/
Since they were first incorporated into pop music more than half a century ago synthesizers and pot have gone together. From classics like the Doors and Pink Floyd to contemporary artists like MGMT and Radiohead, bands use synthesizers as a trusted means of tasking their songs to new levels of beauty and weirdness.
In this podcast Cannabis Now contributor Max Savage Levenson explores the intersection of marijuana and music through a visit to the Vintage Synthesizer Museum located in Oakland, California. The museum holds one of the largest public collections of vintage synthesizers in the world and boasts a live recording room along with a BYOP (Bring Your Own Pot) policy.
Title: Pot-Smoking Moms Say They’re Tired of Being Judged by Wine Drinkers
Author: High Times
Date: 17 May 2018
URL: https://hightimes.com/culture/pot-smoking-moms-say-theyre-tired-of-being-judged-by-wine-drinkers/
A meme on the Moms for Marijuana International Facebook page reads: “Some moms take a bubble bath with a glass of wine. I sit in the garage and smoke a joint.”
And moms who smoke weed for whatever reason are tired of being judged by wine-drinkers, according to several women recently quoted on Today.com.
“Being judged for doing something nontoxic and totally organic, enjoying a god-given plant, by moms who suck back two bottles of Chardonnay like sports drinks feels like shit,” complained one busy mom who did not want her named used. “Any hypocrisy is hard to swallow. A drunk mother is pathetic, and I often leave parties when I experience other mothers tying one on.”
Title: Microdosing Is the Future of Cannabis
Author: Cannabis Now
Date: 7 May 2018
URL: https://cannabisnow.com/microdosing-cannabis/
As North America settles comfortably into its recreational era in the coming months, with California and Canada both moving forward with their historic adult-use cannabis initiatives, I’m thinking about the future of cannabis consumption.
While aficionados of the plant rightfully have many concerns about the pharmaceutical industry’s evolving relationship with marijuana, I’d argue that the future of cannabis is based on certain pharmacological principles — those of consistency, predictability and repeatability.
And a large part of that equation leads us to the importance, and even necessity, of microdosing cannabis.
Title: Life in Prison for Seedlings: A Marijuana Lifer Talks About His Sentence
Author: Civilized
Date: 11 May 2018
When the NFS agents followed the tracks, they came across a bunch of dead and dying marijuana plants. Following the tracks further, they came across a cabin with yet more plants.
This was the beginning of the end for marijuana lifer Andy Cox. The cabin was his father’s, and while he claims he didn’t have anything to do with the actual growing of the plants, he definitely knew what they were up to.
He had previously spent time in jail on a couple of other marijuana convictions. This was strike three, and it carried a mandatory life sentence. He spent three years on the run, then was caught, returned to Georgia, and received his sentence.
The official charge: conspiracy to manufacture and attempt to manufacture marijuana in and around the Chattahoochee National Forest.
Title: First Women Run Hemp Equity Fund Announced
Author: Cannabusiness
Date: 8 May 2018
URL: http://www.cannabisbusinesstimes.com/article/woman-run-hemp-equity-fund-announced/
May 8, 2018 – Los Angeles, Calif. – PRESS RELEASE – The High Finance Fund is a $20 million global equity fund investing in the industrial hemp industry. It’s managed by Wendy Robbins and Karen Paull, the producers of Amazon Prime’s popular series “The Marijuana Show.” The High Finance Fund will be the first women run equity fund focused on the industrial hemp and cannabis industry. The High Finance Fund is supported by advisors, like Bob Hoban and Brent Johnson of the Hoban Law Group, and a team of expert fund managers and administrators who have a proven track record of managing billion dollar equity funds.
The launch of the High Finance Fund comes at a time of changing political attitudes towards industrial hemp, with Republican Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R – KY) recently introducing the bipartisan Hemp Farm Act of 2018 in the Senate. According to Senator McConnell, the Hemp Farm Act of 2018 will, “finally legalize hemp, legalize hemp as an agricultural commodity, and remove it from [the] list of controlled substances.”