Weekly Update: Monday July 22, 2024

CCB staff would like to extend our gratitude to all licensees who have made the effort to understand updated advertising guidance and changes in state law.

Here are a few tips and reminders on some frequently discussed topics from recent weeks:

  • Act 166 advertising changes

    • Act 166 (H.612) earned final passage in June and made many changes to the state’s cannabis laws. One change removed the prohibition on advertisements that offer prizes, awards or inducements for purchasing cannabis. However, cannabis or cannabis products cannot be included as a giveaway or free sample in those promotions.
  • Social media

    • Cannabis establishments must submit all promotional social media posts for CCB review. Additionally, specific products may not be promoted on social media.

As always, questions about advertising can be sent to ccb.advertising@vermont.gov

New pre-roll guidance document

CCB staff recently published a new guidance document that covers pre-roll products. This new guide covers important details unique to these products such as who is allowed to make them, packaging and testing requirements, and more.

July Board meeting application deadline has passed

The deadline to be included on the register for the June Board Meeting was July 19, 2024.

In order to be ready for approval at the August Board meeting, an applicant must:

  • Have fully completed their application
  • Received a certificate of occupancy from fire safety (when necessary), and
  • Have passed their initial compliance site review by the CCB.

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