What Do I Need to Know Before Buying a CBD?

CBD is in the news a lot, and if you’re reading this, you’re probably wondering whether you should try it! We’ll cover the legal side of things in the following article as well as who uses CBD and why. First, a bit about what it is.

What is CBD?

Cannabidiol (CBD) is a compound that is extracted from the cannabis plant. There are many such compounds – known as cannabinoids and terpenes – and research is continuing into the effects of many of them. CBD is usually manufactured as an oil that can be used to make many products. If you check this Irwin naturals review you will find examples of tinctures, edibles, creams and more. What does CBD do?

What Does CBD Do?

Manufacturers and retailers of CBD products may not advertise or make claims for medicinal effects of CBD. This is because the product has not been ratified for medical use and can only be sold as a health additive. However, many users tell of it helping relieve stress and anxiety, others use to help with chronic pain, and it has been known to help with sleep and skin disorders. As with a cannabis related product it produces a relaxed feeling and many people take it recreationally. But it doesn’t get you high.

Why CBD Wont Get You High

When you smoke weed you get a high from a cannabinoid in the marijuana called THC or tetrahydrocannabinol. This is the psychoactive compound of cannabis. To be manufactured and sold legally in the USA CBD products must contain no more than 0.3% THC content. Many products contain zero THC, and some contain the legal amount or less. Even at its maximum the trace of THC in CBD products is not enough to give the high sensation.

Is CBD Legal in the USA

CBD is legal in the USA in some states but not in others. The controversy surrounding the products – thanks to it being derived from cannabis – makes it a subject under discussion in some states, so it is worth checking local laws before you buy. Also, when you do buy make sure you find a reputable licensed retailer as there are black market products that can be dangerous.

What Do Broad Spectrum and Full Spectrum Mean?

It can be confusing for a newcomer with so many brands and products on the market, and then there’s this – the difference between Broad and Full Spectrum CBD products. It is actually quite simple and refers to what happens during the extraction process. Earlier we mentioned the many compounds that can be extracted from the cannabis plant. With Full Spectrum CBD oil all of the cannabinoids and terpenes are left in the mix. This includes the THC content up to 0.3%. With Broad Spectrum many but not all of the compounds remain – it differs by brand – and no THC. If you see a product labelled ‘CBD Isolate’ that is pure CBD oil, with no other compounds left in. It is a personal choice which you use.

How Much Should I Take?

This depends on what you are using it for. Let’s assume you are taking CBD recreationally. You should start at the manufacturers recommended single dose. Once you start to feel the effects you may wish to increase your next dose or remain happy as you are. Be careful with CBD as while safe and entirely natural, it is never sensible to take too much.

Now all that remains is for us to advise you to check out the more unusual CBD products on the market as you may be surprised what you can find, and enjoy your introduction to CBD.

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