We have an in depth article on the horizon about work in action via the UK courts from “We The Undersigned”.
In the meantime here is a simple introduction to the group and what they are doing
This is the introduction on their website to how they are approaching the issue of cannabis legalization in the UK
Their mission statement
We the undersigned is a community group, all united in the shared belief in the most ancient, traditional and fundamental human right to be free to sow the seeds of the highly nutritious herb of the cannabis family, to care for and nurture, then harvest, prepare, medicate, enjoy and share, free from the fear of persecution, prosecution or prison for this fundamental health choice to manage our health, well-being and happiness with natural herbal cannabis.As Humanity has done so for millennia until the lies of cannabis prohibition began in 1928.
We welcome all members of the universal canna family whether from the nutritional, therapeutic, relaxational, spiritual, creative or industrial branches of our CannaCommunity tree.
WTU are also uniting in attempt to secure legal representation to raise legal challenge against the British Government for its misrepresentation of the truth and its denial of our United Nations mandated fundamental human rights to freedom of consciousness, expression of identity, to peaceful beliefs and practices, to pursue the best quality of life, well-being and happiness possible FREE from the arbitrary interference from the State.
Prohibition is based on bigotry, lies and ideology. It is a brutal oppression of our CannaCommunity Culture and Traditions.
Seeking peace and the end to the government-driven war on our CannaCommunity.Please join and support us in our fight for freedom and equality!
They are currently raising funds for the following
WTU are raising funds for legal fees for a scoping exercise of our case, to try and take the UK government to court over its infringements of our inalienable human rights and their refusal to enter full democratic discourse about the end of the political policy that is cannabis prohibition, whether for nutritional, therapeutic, spiritual, creative or relaxational purposes, as a result allowing people to treat their own issues legally with this great plant.
The Government driven ideological war on the CannaCommunity is a form of terrorism by their own definition and attacks peaceful people of the CannaCommunity, in the sanctity of their own homes or social gatherings, for our beliefs and practises in the many benefits of cannabis. There is no War on Cannabis! Only a War on the CannaCommunity. Time for Peace.
CLR will be following up with an outline on what they are doing, how they are doing it and where they are in the process in an upcoming story.
Lean more at their website. https://www.wtuhq.org/