Why are Xinhua Reporting On A Greek Cannabis Expo ?

Nothing is ever published in Xinhua about activities outside the country unless there is a economic or political reason.

Are we seeing the first tentative signs of  Beijing exploring the international Hemp & Cannabis markets for economic and maybe even political gain.

As always they play a long game in Beijing so whilst everybody is shouting in North America, debating in Europe, proceeding in SE Asia and procrastinating in Australia we say watch China and watch them closely.

Feature: Cannabis Expo in Athens introduces medicinal, economic advantages to Greek public

Source: Xinhua| 2019-01-13 20:24:56|Editor: Shi Yinglun

by Alexia Vlachou

ATHENS, Jan. 13 (Xinhua) — For the second year, a cannabis exhibition was held in Athens at the Tae Kwon Do Stadium, bringing together entrepreneurs, experts, innovators and activists to raise awareness on the medicinal and economic advantages of the plant.

The 3-day event, running from Jan. 10 to 13, included 150 businesses from Greece and abroad specializing in the medical, pharmaceutical and industrial use of cannabis.

Among the main priorities of the exhibition was to inform the public about the products and innovations that exist in the world of cannabis and the latest achievements. But, also to break taboos regarding the hemp plant which people confuses with the illegal marijuana.

“Our goal is to clear away any misunderstanding regarding the plant. At the mere mention of the word, the thought that comes to our mind is drugs. However, the medical and industrial cannabis should not be confused with the psychotropic substance of the plant,” expo representative Eleni Bellou told Xinhua.

Read the full article . http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/2019-01/13/c_137740717.htm

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