Will Session’s Russian Bearhugs Kick The Recreational Cannabis Can Down The Road

2 March 2017

Yes, we are being slightly lighthearted about the issue but it is something to be thinking about.

Over the last working week Spicer, Sessions & the President have weighed in on the recreational cannabis issue with suitably dark messages.

But as the newswires run hot with the latest Russian fire; this one may burn uncontrollably. The cannabis sector may find there’s a stay of execution on the recreational front

Marijuana Stocks.com reports this morning

Jeff Sessions Lies Under Oath…Cannabis Industry to Rejoice?

Did Christmas come early for the cannabis industry?

Jeff Sessions lied under oath and should be forced to step down from the position of United States Attorney General…

Today, the Justice Department said that Sessions had two conversations with the Russian ambassador to the United States during the presidential campaign.

This type of contact should not only require him to recuse himself from an investigation into Russian interference in the election.

Mislead Everyone at his Confirmation Hearing

During his confirmation hearing in January, Sessions did not disclose these communications when he was asked. Instead, he said he had not communicated with the Russians

At the confirmation hearing, Senator Al Franken asked Sessions about the allegations of contact between Russia and Trump aides during the 2016 election.

Sessions told Senator Franken that he was unaware of any contact.

In January, Senator Patrick Leahy, a Judiciary Committee Democrat, asked Sessions in a written questionnaire whether he had been in contact with anyone connected to any part of the Russian government about the 2016 election, either before or after election day.

Sessions said no.

Interacted with Russia’s Ambassador Weeks Prior to the Election

The Justice Department’s view of this matter is different.

Sessions had more than 25 conversations with foreign ambassadors while serving as a senior member of the Senate Armed Services Committee during the last year. He had two separate interactions with Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak during this time.

One of the visits was in September, less than two months before the election.

Lying Under Oath

Democratic House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi accused Sessions of lying under oath and demanded that he resign.

Sessions issued the following statement last night:

“I never met with any Russian officials to discuss issues of the campaign. I have no idea what this allegation is about. It is false.”

This guy is clearly lying…


Even without the Russians the administration have a tough battle ahead as the following 25 February  LA Times article attests

California Officials & The Marijuana Industry Prepare to Fight A Federal Crackdown

Warned of a possible federal crackdown on marijuana, California elected officials and cannabis industry leaders said Friday they were preparing for a potential showdown in the courts and Congress to protect the legalization measure approved by state voters in November.

The flashpoint that set off a scramble in California was a news conference Thursday at which White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer told reporters that the administration had no plans to continue the Obama administration’s permissive approach in states that have legalized marijuana for recreational use.

Full Story http://www.latimes.com/politics/la-la-pol-ca-federal-pot-crackdown-response-20170225-story.html

Also the CO AG has invited Sessions to come and see the state’s recreational cannabis industry in action..

The Denver Post report

Colorado AG says she has invited Jeff Sessions’ staff to see the state’s recreational marijuana system

Colorado Attorney General Cynthia Coffman said she has invited U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions — a  vocal marijuana opponent — and his staff to come and see the state’s recreational pot industry.

Coffman told The Denver Post that the invitation was extended during a meeting Wednesday morning in Washington with Sessions’ top staffers.

“I had a meeting there this morning and told them that I thought it was important to come to the states that have legalized marijuana, particularly Colorado since we have the longest history, and to see what we have done,” Coffman said. “They indicated an interest in doing that.”

Colorado AG says she has invited Jeff Sessions’ staff to see the state’s recreational marijuana system

Also here’s a worthwhile read from the Washington Post written after Sessions presented to the National Association of Attorney’s General

Attorney General Sessions wants to know the science on marijuana and opioids. Here it is.


Here’s his presentation to the Association


…..and if you are feeling very positive about things after all of that you’ll love this Politico story published today.

Sessions reassures senators: No pot crackdown imminent

Worries about a shift in federal enforcement in states that have legalized recreational use may be overblown.


Last , but by no way least, US firm Thompson Coburn LLP published the following today

The end of legalized recreational cannabis under President Trump?

This response indicates that, while respecting the Rohrabacher-Farr Amendment to the 2014 appropriations bill, it may cast doubt on the continued validity of the 2013 and 2014 memoranda from then-Deputy Attorney General James Cole.

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