Here’s teh Wislon Elser press release
Five Wilson Elser Attorneys Ranked in Chambers USA 2021 Guide
Five Wilson Elser attorneys were named to the prestigious Chambers USA 2021 Guide. Law firms that have a national presence also are ranked in the Nationwide tables, which focus on those firms that are the country’s best in their respective areas of practice.
Cannabis Law: Western United States and Nationwide
Dean Rocco (Partner-Los Angeles, CA) and Ian Stewart (Partner-Los Angeles, CA). This section encompasses the full spectrum of work involving companies in the cannabis industry. Ranked firms and lawyers will show strong ties to the sector. Types of work may include, but are not restricted to M&A and financings; intellectual property for cannabis-based products and medicines; and regulatory compliance and litigation, on either a statewide or federal basis. This is the first year Cannabis Law has been represented in the regional categories.