World Wrap: Australia, Canada, Columbia, Germany, Malta, New Zealand, South Korea


Title:  More than 200 terminally ill people are set to benefit from a Queensland trial testing the effects of cannabis

Author: Daily Mail (UK)

Date: 5 February 2018



Cancer patients could benefit from a world-first clinical trial testing the effects of cannabis to treat their pain.

The project will be led by a research team from the University of Queensland and the Mater Research Institute, based in Brisbane.

If successful it would mean hundreds of people in the state suffering with terminal cancer may start receiving medicinal cannabis to relieve their symptoms.


Amid Canadian cannabis stock meltdown, analysts warn against ‘panic selling’


Colombia’s medical cannabis industry poised for ‘bellwether year’ on world stage



German Police Association Calls for Cannabis Decriminalization

Title: International Cannabrands Begins Trading on German Stock Exchanges

Author: CFN

Date: 29 January 2018



International Cannabrands Inc. (CSE:JUJU.A; FSE:31G) (the “Company”) is pleased to announce that it has commenced trading on the Frankfurt stock exchange under the symbol “31G”.  In addition the Company is pleased to announce it is also quoted on the Berlin Open Market and the Tradegate Exchange.

“We are excited to be trading on these three European platforms and for the opportunity to broaden our investor base. We think our inclusion in these markets speaks to the diverse interest in our Company and to Julian Marley’s truly, global appeal.” said Jeffrey Britz, Chairman and CEO.



Title:  Prime Minister Talks Up Medical Weed, Cryptocurrencies And Major Visa Reform


Date: 4 February 2018



A lot can change in just a few months. Only six months ago, family doctor Andrew Agius seemed to be on a one-man mission to liberalise medical marijuana which, although technically legal in Malta, was so tightly regulated that it was practically impossible to access. Now a new law is set to pass that will not only ease access of medical marijuana to patients, but also allow industrial producers to produce the medicine in Malta.

As reported by MaltaToday, major Canadian medical cannabis firm Nuuvera is already looking to set up a laboratory facility on the island from where it will export cannabis-related products to other EU countries.

“This would assist in obtaining GMP (good manufacturing practice) certification of the local production facility according to European Union standards, establishing a certified laboratory to export cannabis products to other EU markets,” Nuuvera said.

Muscat today confirmed other cannabis firms are also looking to set up shop in Malta.

“Global market leaders will base their operations in Malta, and we will become the first EU country to export medical cannabis,” he said.


Title:  Chloe Swarbrick: MPs out of touch over medicinal marijuana

Author: Radio NZ

Date: 1 February 2018



During the first reading Ms Swarbrick told Parliament something had to change.

“You do not find a solution to a problem by beating it with a blunt and broken instrument.

“The law here is broken and good, kind otherwise law-abiding people are risking jail to help their neighbours and those in their community currently experiencing unnecessary suffering.”

Ms Swarbrick urged National MPs who wanted to support her bill to do so – despite the official party line being to oppose it.

“I would like to invite any National Party MPs who support this to stick their neck out and to be on the right side of history tonight – it will not pass without you votes.”

On Tuesday, National MP Chris Bishop said he would be backing the bill, but voted against it.

Nikki Kaye had been given dispensation to vote for it but also ended up opposing it.

“I have been in severe pain, I have had breast cancer, and the thought that I could possibly deny people who have chronic pain and debilitating illnesses access to potentially medicinal cannabis which could help them is abhorrent to me.



South Korea Lawmaker Pushing for MMJ Reforms

Korean lawmaker pushes to legalize medical marijuana

Author: Korea

Date: 2 February 2018



Despite the Korean government’s negative stance on marijuana, a lawmaker is working to pass a bill to legalize its medical use, noting that some foreign pharmaceutical companies are developing cannabis-based therapies to win approvals.

“The law strictly forbids the sale and purchase of cannabis, which led to a recent case of a mother being arrested and sentenced in court for buying cannabis oil from abroad to treat her son with brain cancer,” Rep. Shin said after submitting the revision bill to the National Assembly on Jan. 8.Rep. Shin Chang-hyun of the ruling Democratic Party of Korea said last month that stringent laws against marijuana have led to some adverse effects in Korea, including criminalizing individuals who purchased hemp oil or other cannabis products to relieve symptoms of cancer or other illnesses.


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