You Can Support The Oregon (Cannabis) Equity Act

We will repeat this info in full as it is a great piece of legislation and deserves your help…

ORCA Action Alert 4/12/21

HB 3112 (Cannabis Equity Act)
Needs Your Help!

Good Afternoon,

We’re reaching out today because WE NEED YOUR HELP advocating for HB 3112 (the Oregon Cannabis Equity Act), one of our priority pieces of legislation this year that’s up for a Work Session TOMORROW!

In order to make sure lawmakers understand the importance of this piece of legislation, we’re calling on our folks to take a brief moment out of their day to take TWO specific pieces of action to help get this bill passed!

Actions You Can Take TODAY To Support This Bill:

1. Sign A Letter To Lawmakers In Support Of The Bill

This one is an easy and fast action item that folks can take in order to convey their support for this bill to members of the House Judiciary Committee – and that’s by signing a brief letter to the folks on the committee.

In fact, the folks from the Cannabis Equity PAC have even put together a very easy-to-complete web form on their website that makes the process very simple, and takes only a couple of minutes to complete.

Letter-writing is an EXTREMELY EFFECTIVE way of communicating to the members of this committee that this bill needs to be moved out of committee with a do-pass recommendation – and it will go a long way toward it’s passage.

Please go to the Cannabis Equity PAC’s website now and complete the form to send in YOUR letter of support to help get this bill passed into law!



2. Register to Attend our Cannabis Equity Town Hall 4/27

Later this month (the evening of Tuesday, April 27th), the Cannabis Equity PAC is hosting an event with the goal of creating an interactive platform to educate both lawmakers and the public at large about the specific provisions of this bill.

As an industry association, we would very much like as many of you as possible to attend – so please SIGN UP TO ATTEND OUR EVENT TODAY.

From the event description:

Cannabis Equity Now – How Oregon
Can Repair the Harms of Cannabis Prohibition

About this Event

A town hall event about why we need to pass the Oregon Cannabis Equity Act and how you can get involved. Hosted by the Cannabis Equity PAC, it will feature presentations by Oregon legislators, activists, and key organizers of the bill talking about what it does, what challenges it faces and how people can get involved. Please register today and join the effort behind this historic bill.


There’s no better way to get plugged into the latest info on what’s happening with this historic and monumental piece of legislation than to hear directly from our coalition leaders and lawmakers about the discussions that are occurring behind the scenes – so we hope you will all be sure to attend!

We look forward to seeing you there!


Oregon Cannabis Equity Act of 2021 (HB 3112)

By now, you probably know a lot about this particular bill, and the fact that we’ve been working as a part of a coalition in order to pass this bill into law.

The bill is currently scheduled for a Work Session in the House Judiciary Committee tomorrow (4/13/21) – and hopefully there’ll be even more good news to share in the weeks to come!


We’re really glad you asked.  We have several ways, and they are all simply, incredibly impactful on our efforts, and will help get us closer to that end.

1. SIGN THE PETITION TO ENDORSE THE MEASURE — You can sign the petition to endorse the bill by clicking the link here!

2.  SPREAD THE WORD ON SOCIAL MEDIA — Follow along online and help spread awareness about this important bill by sharing news on the interwebs:




3.  DONATE TO THE CANNABIS EQUITY PAC —To support the passage of the bill, the Cannabis Equity PAC is ACTIVELY RAISING MONEY so please consider contributing whatever you can to this worthwhile effort.

Please consider making a DONATION TO THE CANNABIS EQUITY PAC to help support this historic effort to repair some of the harms caused by cannabis criminalization.  Our success here in Oregon could prove to be a model for other states that follow suit, and that’s exactly what we’d like to see happen.

Donations can be made through the website.  For folks interested in becoming sponsorship-level supporters of this effort ($1000+), please contact ORCA staff and we’ll be happy to share the pitch deck and all of the relevant details.

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