Best practices relating to Cannabis Cultivation Tax (“CCT”).

Best practices relating to Cannabis Cultivation Tax (“CCT”).

If you wish to re-publish this story please do so with following accreditation AUTHOR: Jordan Zoot PUBLISHER:  CANNABIS LAW REPORT Cannabis Tax collections did not meet projections. California has begun to ask why. There are multiple reasons California’s Cannabis Tax...
Illinois Medical Cannabis Precipice

Illinois Medical Cannabis Precipice

If you wish to re-publish  this story please do so with following accreditation AUTHOR: Jordan Zoot PUBLISHER:  CANNABIS LAW REPORT aBZinaBOX Inc. – CPA’s Illinois Medical Cannabis Precipice – we read a very well written article in the Chicago Tribune over the long...
California Implements Cannabis Regulation

California Implements Cannabis Regulation

If you wish to re-publish  this story please do so with the following accreditation AUTHOR: By Jordan S. Zoot, CPA, aBIZinaBOX Inc. PUBLISHER:  CANNABIS LAW REPORT   We were prompted to write this Post by the publication of an article explaining some of the...
California: Which Set of Books?

California: Which Set of Books?

If you wish to republish this story please do so with following accreditation AUTHOR: JORDAN ZOOT PUBLISHER: CANNABIS LAW REPORT Tax practitioners often are accused of speaking a language that only they to understand…which may be an exaggeration, but in this case the...