Tasmanian Devils… Local Newspaper The Mercury Op-Ed Says State Govt’s Attitude To Medical Cannabis “patronising, insulting and dangerously wrong”.

We will get to the report in a moment about the Tasmanian state governments attitude to a cancer patient over medical cannabis prescriptions but first let’s hark all the way back to 2016 when they were all gung ho  about making money from medical cannabis .

Australia – Tasmania: State Health Minister & Premier Devise Plan For Prescribed Medical Cannabis

Let’s also not forget that this state government is quite happy to rake in tax dollars working with one of the largest legalized opiates dealers on the planet causing 100,000’s around the world misery.

Tasmania: One Of World’s Largest Legal Opioids Producers Tries To Wash Away Sins By Opening Medical Cannabis Facility

Tasmania Some Simple Numbers: Opioid Deaths, Opioid Production & Virtual Monopoly On Medical Cannabis Production


And the fact that they are so greeedy even the Canadians gave up on them

Canadians Dump Tasmania Grow Investment & Will Import Product – “We can bring it in a lot cheaper from overseas than you can grow it here,”

One lone Greens MP is left in the state to remind us all what we already know

Australia – Tasmania: Rosalie Woodruff MP Greens Health spokesperson says ..”Liberals’ Compassionless Medical Cannabis Failure”


So… when we read this report via Cannabiz we can’t say that we are surprised. At long last it is good to see some righteous anger on the subject although we expect to see a sum total of zero change in the state until the current government is turfed out and replaced by members of the human race.


Cannabis introduce their report by writing

Tasmanian daily newspaper The Mercury has slammed the state government’s response to a plea from a dying cancer patient for better access to medicinal cannabis as “patronising, insulting and dangerously wrong”.

In a blistering editorial, the paper describes how the “articulate and rational case” made by 75-year-old Peter Fielding about the lack of availability of medicinal cannabis in Tasmania was met with a “cold bureaucratic response” by the government.

After sending its sympathies to Mr Fielding, a government spokesman described medical cannabis products as unproven.

He said: “The Controlled Access Scheme allows Tasmanians with a serious illness, which has not responded to conventional therapies, to access unproven medical cannabis products when prescribed by a suitably qualified relevant medical specialist.”

The Mercury summed up the message as “we are going to continue our prejudice against cannabis”.

Mr Fielding told the paper that after he was able to access medicinal cannabis through a friend, his condition improved dramatically.

Read their full report at

Tasmanian daily The Mercury blasts government for ‘insulting and dangerous’ medical cannabis response



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