What the U.S. Can Learn From Weed Legalization in Canada

What the U.S. Can Learn From Weed Legalization in Canada

Scott McGovern CONTRIBUTOR Whether legalizing on a state-by-state basis or federally, there is a lot that U.S legislators can learn from weed in Canada. There is a lot that Canadian legislators have done right for the entrepreneurs and consumer. However, a few details...
Hemp vs. Marijuana: Why Can’t Cops Tell Them Apart?

Hemp vs. Marijuana: Why Can’t Cops Tell Them Apart?

Last February, the Idaho State police pulled over a truck carrying 6,701 pounds of hemp and promptly seized it, allegedly claiming it was marijuana. Now the cultivators of that hemp, Big Sky Scientific, are suing the police, the county, and an attorney. If you’ve been...
Alaska Becomes First State to Legalize ‘Cannabis Cafes’

Alaska Becomes First State to Legalize ‘Cannabis Cafes’

Cover Image credit: Sakkawokkie | Getty Images dispensaries.com GUEST WRITER Opinions expressed by Green Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Even as cannabis legalization has spread throughout the country, the unexplored territory has been passing laws that allow...